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Completing the Corr tab

About Correspondence rules

Complete the Corr  tab to define the text, formatting, property values, and, included correspondence fragments, and appearance of the correspondence. GRP-214 5.5

Note If this correspondence rule is to be used with the Work-.AttachandHold flow action and a Word template rule, enter only plain text (as well as directives or JSP tags if desired) in the text area. Do not include any HTML tags such as <P> or <H3>; the Word template file provides the formatting. ECKSM 7/29/05

NoteWhen the Correspondence Type key part of the rule is Email, all correspondence produced for outgoing email includes HTML formatting, even if no HTML elements appear within in the source. The recipient's mail client must have the capability to accept and display HTML-formatted email. CLINIC 8/2/05

NoteWhen the Correspondence Type key part of the rule is PhoneText, the correspondence produced for outgoing email includes no HTML formatting. The destination may be a digital cell phone that supports Short Message Services (text messaging) or an email client program.

CautionFor highest quality and security, minimize the use of source mode in correspondence rules you create in application RuleSets. While such rules are necessary for specific features, use of generated correspondence is preferable when possible. If your application contains correspondence rules, use the Application Preflight report to assess guardrail compliance, and use the Rule Security Analyzer to check for security vulnerabilities.



(no label)

Enter rich text for the correspondence. In Design mode, a wide variety of tools are available in the toolbar including fonts, font sizes, colors, lists formatting, graphic elements and alignments. Certain controls are available only in Design mode, and only when text is selected.

Upper toolbar




Change the font of selected text.


Change the font size of selected text


Convert the selected paragraph to a normal paragraph (<p> tag) or one of six heading levels (<h1> to <h6>).

Unordered list

Convert the selected paragraphs to an unordered list (<ul> tag).

Ordered list

Convert the selected paragraphs to an ordered list (<ol> tag).


Indent, increase space at the beginning of the selected lines.


Outdent, reduce space at the beginning of the selected lines.

Make Link

Make the selected text an HTML link (<a> tag). In a pop-up window, enter the HREF= value in the Name field. Select the Open in new window box if desired. Optionally, enter ToolTip text in the Description field. Click Save. REMOVED SMARTINFO GROVS 9/11/08

Add Image

Insert a reference to an image, a binary file rule. If this correspondence is sent as an HTML-formatted email message, the message includes the image.

Add Property

Include the value of a scalar property at the selected insertion point. Complete the pop-up window to supply the property Name, an optional Format (HTML Property rule) and an optional When condition rule. You may type in a full property reference. Click Save.

The system generates a <pega:reference > JSP tag from the information you provide.


Include the value of a section or paragraph rule at the selected insertion point.

Complete the pop-up window to identify the rule type (section or paragraph), the Purpose key part, an optional When condition rule, and (if the included rule is based on a page other than the page of this paragraph), a Using Page page name value. Click Save.

The system creates a <pega:include ..> JSP tag from the information you supply.

Lower toolbar




Bold the selected text using the <strong> HTML tag.


Make the selected text italics.


Make the selected text underscored.


Convert the selected text to a subscript.


Convert the selected text to a superscript.

Font color

Change the font color of the selected text. Choose a color from the palette.

Background color

Set the background color of the selected area. Choose a color from the palette.

left align

Left-align the lines in the selected paragraph.


Center the lines in the selected paragraph.

Right align

Right=-align the lines in the selected paragraph.

Full align

Justify the lines in the selected paragraph by adding spaces.


Switch to design mode


Switch to source mode.

Spell check

Spell check the correspondence.

Designated Printer

SmartPromptC-238 03-02 Optional. For print only. To print correspondence from this rule on a COS printer identified in your system, enter the Printer Name value of a COS Printer data instance.

Before you attempt to print correspondence, install COS. See About the Correspondence Output Server.

If the correspondence is to be printed on a printer not known at this time, leave this field blank. The operator can select a printer, or your application can compute a destination printer. See More about COS Printer data instances.

Special Print Activity

SmartPrompt Advanced featureOptional. For print only. By default, the system uses the standard activity named Data-Corr-Letter.Send to send correspondence items to a COS printer. To use another activity, create an activity with Data-Corr-Letter as the Applies To key part. Enter the Activity Name key part here.

Display Width

Optional. Enter a display width as a percentage value between 10 and 100. If your application presents the correspondence item to a user for editing, the system sets the initial correspondence display window to this percentage of the user's full monitor width (in pixels). The user can adjust the window size.

Select a percentage that suits the correspondence. The default is 60 percent.

Display Height

Optional. Enter a display height as a percent value between 10 and 100. If your application presents the correspondence item to a user for editing, the system sets the initial correspondence display window to this percent of the user's full monitor height in pixels.

Select a percentage that suits the correspondence. The default is 80 percent.

After Create

SmartPromptSelect the initial disposition of correspondence items created by this rule:

  • Send — When correspondence can be sent out without review and approval by a second user.
  • Verify — When correspondence is verified by a second user before being sent out. The second user can update and send the correspondence or reject it. ECKSM 11/21/05This choice is useful for highly sensitive documents. At runtime, the system starts an additional flow named VerifySendCorr. The standard flow Work-.VerifySendCorr routes the correspondence item to the work group manager for verification, but your application can override this flow or portions of it. For background, see Pega Developer Network article PDNPRKB-24089 How to enable verification in correspondence rules.
  • Attach and Hold — When correspondence is to be attached to a work object but is not sent out, or is sent out by a later utility activity such as Work-CorrNew. You can use this option with correspondence started with the standard flow action Work-.AttachandHold, which creates attachments assigned to a category.
User Edit

SmartPromptIndicate what degree of editing is available at runtime to an application user for correspondence items produced by this rule:

  • Select No Edit to prevent any editing by the user.
  • Select May Edit to allow editing by users who update the work object.
  • Select May Display if the application is to display the correspondence to users who process the work object, but the correspondence cannot be altered by these users.
  • Select Must Edit if users processing the work object must complete information in correspondence items produced from this rule.

Select Must Edit if the user edits correspondence in conjunction with the flow action Work-.AttachAndHold to support Microsoft Word DOC files to be sent as email attachments. C-2132

Generate For

This field and the Convert to JSP button appear only when the rule contains HTML directives rather than JSP tags. The value that appears is HTML.

TipAs a best practice, use JSP tags rather than directives. In most cases, you can convert correspondence rules that use directives to use JSP tags automatically, using the button. See Converting from directives to JavaServer Page tags.

NoteIf this rule is circumstance-qualified or time-qualified, make this Generate For value match the Generate For value of the base rule. You can't use JSP tags in the base rule and directives in a qualified rule, or vice versa. B-20380

NoteDo not save the rule form when the source contains both JSP tags and directives.

 Convert to JSP  

This button appears only after you save the form when the Generate For value is HTML and this rule is created by a Save As operation. See Converting from directives to JavaServer Page tags.

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