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C-1099 Used by AppUse the Used by App Explorer tool to quickly access the rules that are referenced in the current application but are in RuleSets other than those that make up the current application.


  1. Select byrnb 2/18/10 Switch Work Pool from the Application menu in the Designer Studio header to learn or change your current work pool.
  2. Select the Used by Application Explorer Used by Explorer from the Explorer dropdown list to present the Used by App Explorer. (If theUsed by Application Explorer icon does not appear, you can update your preferences to make it visible.)
  3. The Used by App explorer presents a four-level tree structure.
    Icons at four levels correspond to:
    • A work type, a concrete class derived from Work- that is included in your application. The subtree includes all rules
      with that type as the Applies To key part.
    • A category name within work type, one of the groupings of rules
    • A rule type within the category (within the work type). The text is in italics.
    • A blue dot marking a single rule instance.
  4. Click a plus sign (Plus) to expand a work type to access categories. Expand a category
  5. One type (marked with a check) at the top of the list is the most frequently accessed type. Other types appear in alphabetical order.
  6. Click the common name label to present a list of all rules or data objects of that type.

Right-click to access instances, rules, or adjust the tree

For quick access to rules, place your mouse pointer in the Used by App explorer and right-click to access a context menu. The menu choices that appear depend on the class visible to the topic of the display, shown as [Class] in the examples below, and the location of the pointer. PROJ-428 MELLJ 5.3 Select a menu item:


Some rule types do not have an Applies To key part. Use the selection list to select such used rules by type.

CautionThis feature depends on Referencing Rules indexing, which is not always complete. Your application may reference rules that do not appear in the Used By App Explorer display.

The Used by App Explorer is not available from the Business Analyst portal.

Definitions category, common name, rule type, work type
Related topics About the Application Explorer
Common names for rules
Common names for data instances

Designer Studio — Setting your preferences
Explorer tools — Workspace results

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