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How to process assignments in bulk


The Bulk Actions menu in the Case Manager portal lets managers select all work items that match a set of criteria and process them at the same time.

bulk processing

For example, you can transfer assignments from one operator (within your group) to another or from one workbasket to another, or apply the same flow action to all the assignments on a worklist. You can wait and watch as the system processes the assignments, or send the processing to an agent that processes them in background mode. For another example, see PDN article 26173 How to perform bulk processing for a large number of assignments.

The Bulk Actions menu allows lets managers view and process unsent emails in bulk. The FixCorrespondence flow is invoked when an attempt to send correspondence using Data-Corr-Email.Send activity fails. The flow creates an assignment for the unsent email and presents flow actions to reject or resend the unsent correspondence. Use the Work-.ResendCorr flow action to resend email correspondence items that do not require individual modification and that failed to be sent for external reasons, such as the server being down. Use the Work-.CorrReject flow action to reject the selected correspondence. Follow the steps below in the section To apply one flow action to multiple assignments to bulk process unsent emails.

 To transfer assignments from a worklist or workbasket

 To apply one flow action to multiple assignments

 Bulk Process by Work Type

 Bulk Process Cover

 Bulk Process Folder

 About background processing by the Pega-ProCom agent


 Improving performance of bulk processing

 Related PDN articles

Definitions bulk processing, profile, sample application, transfer, urgency, worklist, work pool name, work type
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