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Operators, Organization Setup, and Organizational Chart tabs


The Organization landing page has three tabs.



Organization and SecurityOrg & Security


Operators tab

Use this tab to display a list of operators in the system and information about them.



Full Name The full name of this user (up to 50 characters). This text is present in the navigation panel of standard portal displays. A user can have more than one operator ID.
Operator ID The key part of an operator ID instance.
Job Position/Title Optional. The user's job title or position.
Access Group The name of an access group (a Data-Admin-Operator-AccessGroup instance) for this user.
Last sign on The date and time when this operator most recently logged on using HTTP or HTTPS access to the PRPC portal using Microsoft's Internet Explorer Web browser on a Windows workstation, or from a browser presenting a Pega Composite Application.

Organization Setup tab

Use this tab to automatically create Data-Admin- instances in an organization top-level class that you specify. To speed the creation of an organization structure, use the tab promptly after a new installation, or to support new applications not created by the Application Accelerator.

Carefully plan and build your organizational structure. This information is shared across all applications on a system and is the basis for security features that control user access.

To create a new organizational structure:

  1. Enter a name in the Organization Name field. Use only alpha/numeric characters. Do not use special characters or blanks. The class and instance names derive from this name.

    A four-character or less organization name is recommended. For public companies, a typical organization name is your company's stock ticker (for example GLBX). Because the names of class instances in the applications are based in part on the organization name, as applications are developed for the organization, keeping the name to four-characters or less makes future growth easier.

  2. Enter an Internet domain, such as com, uk, net, gov, org, or other top-level domain identifiers. The default is com. Your entry cannot contain a period.
  3. In the Action field select Preview and click Run. The field values are filled in as shown here:



Example (using

Top Level Class

<organization name >–



<organization name>.<domain>

Organization Division

<organization name> Div


Organization Unit

<organization name >Unit


RuleSet Name

<organization name>
(defaults to RuleSet version 01-01-01)


Application Name

<organization name>App


Workgroup Name

default@<organization name>.domain

[email protected]

Workbasket Name

default@<organization name>.com

[email protected]

Users Created

Administrator@<organization name>.com

SystemArchitect@<organization name>.com

BusinessAnalyst@<organization name>.com

Manager@<organization name>.com

User@<organization name>.com

The password for all users is rules.

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

The password for all users is rules.

  1. If you are satisfied with the structure, select Create in the Action field and click Run. When the process is complete, open the new instances and verify.

As a best practice, use the Preview step before you create the organization structure. If necessary, you can create the organization without previewing it.

Organizational Chart tab

This tab enables you to view the organizational structures and operators in the system. You can create or modify existing structures and add operators.

PRPC supports a three-level organization hierarchy. The top level is known as the organization; the middle level as divisions, and the lowest level as organization units. Each user (Operator ID instance) is associated with an organization, division, and unit.

This tab displays a tree chart representing the organizations in your system. You can use the chart to:

This chart is also available on the Chart tab in organization, division, and organization unit rule forms.

Viewing the chart

Click a plus sign to expand any node. Organizations are presented at the top level, divisions at the first indented level, and organization units at the second indented level. In this example, the Administration division belongs to the organization. The division has four organization units (Development, Finance, HR, and Technical). Technical has two child organization units (QA and Research) reporting to it. (These child units are for charting purposes only. Their relationships are not referenced during rule processing or used in reports.)


The Description column contains the short description text in the node's rule form. The Cost Center and Manager columns use the values entered in the Cost Center and Cost Center Manager sections on the Accounting tab on division and organization unit rule forms.

Double-click any node to open its rule form.

Working with the chart

You can perform operations on a node by selecting it on the chart and right-clicking. This opens a pop-up menu, which displays these options:

As you make modifications, use the Refresh button to update the display.

Definitions landing page, division, organization unit, organizational RuleSet, ownership, RuleSet list
Related topics About Organization data instances
About Organization Unit data instances
About Division data instances
About Operator ID instances

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