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A gauge chart presents a single number as a meter reading. If the chart includes thresholds, a manager can review the chart quickly to determine whether this number is within a targeted range.

For example, this gauge chart reads 2400. The needle falls within the green threshold, indicating that 2400 is a good result, whereas values below 200 are not good.

Gauge chart

To create an interactive gauge chart:

  1. Design and test a summary view report that has a single row in the Fields array of the Content tab.
  2. Optionally, configure one or more thresholds on the Content tab.
  3. On the Chart tab, select Use a Chart for the view?
  4. Select Interactive as the Chart Output Type.
  5. Click Configure Interactive Chart. Select the Gauge type. Choose a subtype.

Gauge charts are sometimes called scorecard charts.

definitions interactive chart, key performance indicator, slider, threshold
Related topics About Summary View rules

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