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A stage is a field value (Work-.pyStageGroup) or text constant that maps to one or more work status field values (Work-.pyStatusWork) configured on the Stages tab on a CaseType rule form. Here you create a work status-based "Where-am-I" graphical display on user forms. A horizontal array of read-only chevron images ( ) presents the user with a high-level view of the individual tasks that must be performed in order to resolve the case. The array also provides a breadcrumb trail; highlighted chevrons indicate stages that have been completed. The stage view appears only if you include the Work-.pxWhereAmIChevronView section in a work harness. For an example, see PDN article 26440 How to use stages to present the chevron view of work item status.

Stage views make it easier for users to understand and communicate what work has been done and what remains. As a best practice, define stages that are most important or relevant to the users; you do not need to define stages for all the work status values in a process.

You can also configure stages and chevron views using the Stages item on the Case Designer Details tab ( > Processes & Rules > Case Management).

Definitions status, work item status
Related topics Process and Rules category — Case Management page
Case Type rules — Completing the Stages tab

Up Definitions — S