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Case ManagementCase Management

The Case Management landing page contains the Case Designer, which allows you to view and modify the case type relationships and processes comprising a case management application. You can also work with processes using the Discovery Map view, and work with the specifications for each case type. Your configuration dictates how cases are created and processes started at any point in the business process. Here is an example of the Case Designer:

 About the Case Designer

 Using the Case Type tree

 Using the Details tab

 About data propagation

 About case ID prefixes

 Adding menu items to the landing page and tabs

 Case Management Gallery

Definitions case management, landing page, subcase, top-level case type, ad hoc work, cover, folder, case, instantiate, case type, Federated Case Management
Related topics About Case Type rules
About the Case Manager and Case Worker portals
Process and Rules category — Case Management Gallery

UpTools — Process and Rules
UpDesigner Studio — About Landing Pages

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