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A trend report presents counts of events, objects, or actors at a series of points along a continuum, normally a time line. The X-axis of a trend report displays data points on that continuum representing weeks, months, or quarters in a year, or some other meaningful increment. One column of the data supporting the trend report is displays one or more Single Value properties of a DateTime type.

Example — Report Definition

In a report definition, create a summary-type report, one including at least one column of summarized data. One of the columns holds the continuum value that provides the X-axis of the report and any accompanying chart. To set the function summarizing the data by some unit of time, click the Calculation Builder icon (Function Builder icon) to the right of the column to display the SQL Function Builder. Select the time-related function that suits your report. See Report Definitions — Completing the Design tab.

note about columns to useIf you add a chart to the report, note that

See Working with the Chart Editor.

definitions interactive chart, slider
Related topics About Report Definitions
About Summary View rules
Atlas Atlas — Standard SQL Function Alias rules

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