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Completing the Definition tab

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Use the Definition tab to specify the type and status of the requirement and to enter a detailed description.




Select a requirement category.

This list displays the choices available in the system. The standard categories are:

  • Business Rule
  • Change Control
  • Enterprise Standard
  • Functional
  • Non Functional

You can provide your own values for this list to use with this application. To provide a custom value, create a field value rule specifying the following values and save it in one of the application's RuleSets:

  • Applies To: Rule-Application-Requirement
  • Field Name: pyCategory
  • Field Value: Custom value for this field

To prevent the standard values from appearing as choices, save copies of the following field value rules to a RuleSet in your application, and then set the value of the Availability of those copies to Blocked:

  • Rule-Application-Requirement.pyCategory.Business Rule
  • Rule-Application-Requirement.pyCategory.Change Control
  • Rule-Application-Requirement.pyCategory.Enterprise Standard
  • Rule-Application-Requirement.pyCategory.Functional
  • Rule-Application-Requirement.pyCategory.Non Functional


Select a value that indicates the importance of this requirement.

This list displays the choices available in the system. The standard values are 1 - Critical, 2- Very Important, 3 - Important, 4 - Desirable, and 5 - Useful.

You can provide your own values for this list to use with this application. To provide a custom value, create a field value rule specifying the following values and save it in one of the application's RuleSets:

  • Applies To: Rule-Application-Requirement
  • Field Name: pyImportance
  • Field Value: Custom value for this field

To prevent the standard values from appearing as choices, save copies of the following field value rules to a RuleSet in your application, and then set the value of the Availability of those copies to Blocked:

  • Rule-Application-Requirement.pyImportance.1-Critical
  • Rule-Application-Requirement.pyImportance.2-Very Important
  • Rule-Application-Requirement.pyImportance.3-Important
  • Rule-Application-Requirement.pyImportance.4-Desirable
  • Rule-Application-Requirement.pyImportance.5-Useful

External Req ID

Optional. Enter the ID of a requirement stored in an external system that you want to track as a reference to this requirement.


Select the status of this requirement.

This list displays the choices available in the system. The standard values are Complete, Defer, New, Open, and Withdrawn.

You can provide your own values for this list to use with this application. To provide a custom value, create a field value rule specifying the following values and save it in one of the application's RuleSets:

  • Applies To: Rule-Application-Requirement
  • Field Name: pyStatus
  • Field Value: Custom value for this field

To prevent the standard values from appearing as choices, save copies of the following field value rules to a RuleSet in your application, and then set the value of the Availability of those copies to Blocked:

  • Rule-Application-Requirement.pyStatus.Complete
  • Rule-Application-Requirement.pyStatus.Defer
  • Rule-Application-Requirement.pyStatus.New
  • Rule-Application-Requirement.pyStatus.Open
  • Rule-Application-Requirement.pyStatus.Withdraw


Enter a detailed description of this requirement. You can use the following rich text controls:




Change the font of selected text.


Change the font size of selected text


Bold the selected text using the <strong> HTML tag.


Make the selected text italics.


Make the selected text underscored.

Font color

Change the font color of the selected text. Choose a color from the palette.

Background color

Set the background color of the selected area. Choose a color from the palette.

Unordered list

Convert the selected paragraphs to an unordered list (<ul> tag).

Ordered list

Convert the selected paragraphs to an ordered list (<ol> tag).

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