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Completing the New or Save As form

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  2. New 
  3. Category 
  4. History 

Create a Category rule by selecting Category from the Reports category.

A Category rule has three key parts:



Category Name Enter a name for the category. Begin the name with a letter and use only alphanumeric and dash characters.
Owner Type

Select an option:

  • Standard — this category is visible and useful for all members of the creator's Access Group. Saved as "S".
  • Shared — this category can hold shortcuts to personal reports, to make those reports available to colleagues. Saved as "A".
  • Personal — this category helps organize a manager's personal reports, and is only available to its creator. Saved as "P".

If the category's Owner Type is

  • Standard, this field defaults to ALL.
  • Shared, enter or select an Access Group to share the category. Note: several shared categories with the same name may be created by different members of the same access group. Using a descriptive and unique category name is helpful.
  • Personal, select the Operator ID of the category owner.

For general information about the New form, see Completing the new rule dialog box. For general information on the Save As form, see How to enter rule keys using Save As.

Rule resolution

When searching for a Category rule, the system filters candidate rules based on a requestor's RuleSet list of RuleSets and versions.

Time-qualified resolution features are not available for Category rules.

Up About Category rules