Back Forward Designer Studio — Completing the new rule dialog box

Complete the New rule dialog to define the key parts of a new rule.



Step 1: Open the New dialog

Step 2: Select a class filter

Step 3: Enter or select each name field (key parts) and specify type

Step 4: Select a template

Step 5: Complete RuleSet and version fields

Step 6: Set the rule availability

Step 7: Advanced featureComplete the Status field

Step 8: Complete the Project Management fields

Step 9: Click Create


Definitions available rule, blocked rule, category, final rule, key part, internal rule, Quick Create button, rule resolution, template rule, withdrawn rule
Related topics Choosing good Descriptions and Short Descriptions
Choosing good rule and data instance names
How to change rule availability
How to enter rule keys using Save As
Using the toolbar
Using the Search facility

UpDesigner Studio basics