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Calling activity

To start a JCA connection and execute a Connect JCA connector rule, create an activity that:

  1. Creates a named page that is the source and destination of data mapping.
  2. Opens the JMS connector rule on a named page of class Rule-Connect-JCA.
  3. Using that page as a step page, calls the Connect-JCA method.
  4. Examines the status properties returned by the connector.

If this activity is in a class derived from the Work- base class, you can set the Activity Type to Connect and reference the activity in a flow rule.

Performance Statistics

For information on gathering performance information about this connector see PDNTesting Services and Connectors, a document on the Integration pages of the PDN.


For more information on testing connectors, see PDNTesting Services and Connectors, a document available on the Integration pages of the PDN.
Related topicsConnect-JCA method

UpAbout Connect JCA rules.