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Use the Service tab to identify the resource adapter the connector sends requests to and to specify properties and details for the connector requests.



Service Properties  
Adapter Name

Select the name of the resource adapter data instance (Data-Admin-Connect-JCAAdapter class) that represents the resource adapter you want this connector rule to communicate with.

Interaction Spec  
InteractionSpec implementation class

This field displays the Java classes listed under the Supported Interaction Specs section on the MetaData tab of the resource adapter instance you selected in the Adapter Name field. Select the one that this connector will use.

Interaction Verb

Select the mode of the interaction between this connector rule and the external Enterprise Information System (EIS):

  • SYNC_SEND — The connector sends an input record but does not receive an output record.
  • SYNC_SEND_RECEIVE — The connector sends an input record and receives an output record synchronously. This is the default behavior.
  • SYNC_RECEIVE — The connector retrieves an output record.
Execution Timeout

Enter the number of milliseconds to wait for the external Enterprise Information System (EIS) to complete the adapter function before closing the connection and returning a timeout message.

Custom Properties

Use this section to define any additional property/value pairs if the InteractionSpec implementation Java class requires properties in addition to the standard ones listed above.


Click the  none   button. Enter the name of the property in the pop-up window and click  Save  . Then enter a value for the property.

NoteThe data type of the property can be either string or integer; the default is string. To specify that the data type is integer, use the following syntax when specifying the value of the custom property: $int: + [value of property]. For example: $int:538.

Property holding ConnectionSpec properties

Use this field to override or add to the default values specified for the ConnectionSpec properties of the resource adapter data instance specified in the Adapter Name field.

Select a property of mode Value Group. Then, in the activity that calls this connector rule, set the values for the ConnectionSpec properties into this property before the activity step that calls the connector.

Initialize Connection

SmartPromptSpecify how PRPC obtains a connection for the connector rule request:

  • Always create new connection — PRPC obtains a new connection from the resource adapter ConnectionFactory, which maintains a connection pool.
  • Create new connection if one does not exist — PRPC attempts to obtain a connection from the property specified as the Connection Handle Property in the next field. If a reference to the connection is not cached in the property, PRPC contacts the resource adapter ConnectionFactory to obtain one.
  • Always re-use old connection — PRPC obtains a connection from the reference in the property specified as the Connection Handle Property. If this property contains no connection information, PRPC displays an exception message.
Connection Handle Property

Optional. Select a property of mode Java Object to hold on the clipboard a reference to a connection object when the request is finished. This field is required if you specify Store connection handle in the Finalize field and specify Always re-use old connection in the Initialize field.

Finalize Connection

SmartPromptSpecify what PRPC does with a connection when the connector rule request is finished:

  • Always close connection — PRPC returns the connection object to the resource adapter's connection pool.
  • Store connection handle — PRPC keeps the connection and stores a reference to the connection object in the property specified in the Connection Handle Property field.
Error Handling  
Status Value Property

SmartPromptOptional. Identify a Single Value property that can hold a status value returned by the connector. The literal value Good identifies success. You can use the standard property @baseclass.pyStatusValue.

Status Message Property

SmartPromptOptional. Identify a Single Value property that can receive a text error message returned by the connector. You can use the standard property @baseclass.pyStatusMessage.

Error Handler Flow

SmartPrompt Optional. Identify a flow rule that is to be started when this connector rule is started by a flow rule but fails. The default flow rule Work-.ConnectionProblem provides one approach for handling such problems. See Handling connector exceptions.

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