About Predictive Model rules
Use a predictive model rule to import a model produced by the Predictive Analytics Director (PAD)product and relate its outputs to properties in your application. Predictive models can support your strategies for customer retention, risk management and maximization of customer lifetime value.
Predictive Model rules are available through the Decision Strategy Manager. For more information about this rule, see the PDN article About the Decision Strategy Manager.
A decision shape in a flow rule can reference a predictive model rule.
Use the Application Explorer to access predictive mode rules that apply to the work types in your application. Use the Rules Explorer to list all the predictive mode rules available to you.
Predictive model rules are part of the Decision category. A predictive model rule is an instance of the Rule-Decision-PredictiveModel rule type.
About Predictive Analytics and Decision Strategy Manager
Flows — Editing in Process Modeler — Decision shapes |