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Create a collection rule to identify other rules in your application that can execute in sequence, under a set of conditions evaluated for each rule in the sequence. You can include both procedural rules and Declare Expression rules in the sequence. By referencing a list view rule, you can retrieve at runtime a dynamic list of qualifying rules to be executed. Typically, all rules in the collection update a common page.

To streamline rule design, the form enables you toggle between a basic and advanced format. Using the basic format you can reference only decision tables, decision trees, and map values. You can use only a when rule as a precondition; step pages are not enabled. The advanced format lets you execute (in addition to the basic rules) declarative expressions, activities, other collection rules, and list views. Step pages are enabled and you can use decision trees, decision tables, map values, and when rules as preconditions.

Where referenced

Collection rules are referenced by the Collect instruction in an activity. In addition, one collection rule can reference another collection rule.


Use the Rules Explorer to list all collection rules available to you.


Collection rules are instances of the Rule-Declare-Collection class. They are part of the Technical category.

Technical category
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