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Completing the Preamble and Stop tab

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Complete this optional tab to specify a list of properties to set before any rules including rules for prerequisites, run as identified on the Basic/Advanced Collection tab.



Save Execution Information?

Select to log execution details of this collection rule at runtime. You can review the log details as a chart. See More about Collection rules.

Show Advanced Options?

Select to switch between the Basic Collection and the Advanced Collection tab formats. See Collection form — Completing the Basic/Advanced Collection tab.

Preset Property Values

ArrayOptional. Complete this array to specify one or more property values to be set at runtime before other processing for this rule occurs. When referencing a property on the page that corresponds to the Applies To key part of this collection rule, you can omit the page name.

At runtime, processing for forward chaining if any completes after the system processes each row in this array.


SmartPromptEnter a property reference to a Single Value property, or a reference to a scalar value of an aggregate property.


SmartPromptEnter an expression to provide a value for the property referenced in the Property field, which may be a literal constant, a property reference or a more complex expression.

Stop when these Conditions are met

ArrayOptional. You can specify one or more halting conditions for collection processing, and a post-processing activity. The when condition rules you identify here execute in the order they appear in the array. They execute:

  • Before any rules on the Basic/Advanced Collection tab execute (but after the preset properties defined on this tab are set).
  • After each step on the Basic/Advanced Collection tab that leads to rule execution.

Enter a Boolean expression, or identify the second key part — When Name — of a when condition rule that identifies a halting condition for this collection rule. At runtime, the system uses the Applies To class of this collection rule with rule resolution to locate the when condition rule.

If this when condition rule evaluates to true, all other processing of this collection rule stops, and the associated Execute Activity if any runs.

Execute Activity

Optional. If the When field is not blank, identify the second key part — Activity Name — of a post-processing activity that runs if the when condition rule evaluates to true. At runtime, the system uses the Applies To class of this collection rule with rule resolution to locate the activity. If the activity accepts input parameters, click  Params   to enter values for them. You can compute the value through an expression. Click to open the Activity Parameters dialog and modify the parameters (if any).


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