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Completing the Decision tab (Advanced format)

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Record the if.. then.. logic of the decision tree in the three-column array. These unlabeled columns are known as the comparison, action, and next value columns.

NoteThis help topic describes the advanced format of the Decision tab. If you encounter a Decision tab that does not contain Evaluate Parameter or Evaluate property name see Completing the Decision tab (Basic format).

At runtime, the system evaluates the if portion of the array, starting at the top row, and continues until it reaches a Return statement. If the system processes the entire tree but does not reach a Return statement, it returns the Otherwise value.

The Evaluate field at the topic identifies the Property value, if any, from the Input tab. When this field is blank, the value is taken from a parameter of the Property-Map-DecisionTree method. The Evaluate field does not appear if this decision tree was created in basic mode or if the Allowed to Evaluate Properties? box on the Results tab is not selected.

NoteIf the Redirect this Rule? box on the Results tab is selected, this circumstance-qualified rule is redirected and this tab appears blank.

  Understanding the branch structure

  Using the controls

  Modifying branches with drag and drop operations

  Completing fields in a branch

  Completing the Otherwise branch

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