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Completing the Layout tab — Adding a SmartLayout tab group

About Harnesses

Using the Tab control, you can array SmartLayouts, each with a visible tabbed header, within a tab group. You can position tabs across the top, bottom, right, or left of a layout. You can also stretch the tabs across the width or height of the content. You can use the Tab control to add tabbed SmartLayouts to existing tabs in the group.

Configure styles for tabs using the Skin rule. See Skin form — Styles tab — Layouts — Tabs.

At runtime, when the user clicks one tab, the layout in that tab becomes visible and the other layout closes. Opening and closing tabs within a container does not affect tabs in other containers.

For information about using the Tab control in harnesses, see Harness forms — Adding a tab container.

NoteWhen tab layouts are within a section that is within a harness panel, runtime behavior automatically adjusts to consume the entire available height, and to supply scroll bars when necessary.

NoteIn V6.3, the latest charts do not work when included in a tabbed layout. If you intend to embed a chart in a tabbed layout, uncheck the Use HTML 5 checkbox on the Charts tab of the Report Definition rule form for the report supporting the chart you want to include. This restricts the available chart types to Pie, Bar, Column, Line, and Area.

 1. Creating, adding, copying, or deleting a SmartLayout tab group

 2. Complete the Tab Group panel

 3. Complete the Layout panel — Top fields

 4. Complete the Layout Panel — General tab

 5. Complete the Layout Panel — Advanced tab

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