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Completing the Parameters tab

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Optional. Identify parameters for this section.

Parameterized sections provide flexibility and promote reuse. For example, a single section may include a button which has one of three labels — Increase, Decrease, and Clear — depending on the value of a section parameter. (Because that button always calls a single activity, some mechanism within that activity must operate at runtime to determine the context and desired result.)

Using parameterized sections can promote reuse and reduce the number of distinct sections you need in your application. Be careful to ensure that each parameter has a value in each enclosing rule (section, harness, or flow action) that includes the section.

Parameters are allowed only for JSP-based sections.

Which controls accept parameter values

You can use parameter values in these three situations:

Standard and Advanced parameters

Select a radio button to determine the structure of parameters for this section:

CautionAfter you save the Section form, the setting cannot be changed.

TipThis tab is wide. To display more of the content, click the collapse arrow (Collapse) in the portal to temporarily hide the navigation panel. When you finish working with this tab, click the expand arrow (Expand) to display the navigation panel again.

Standard parameters — Setting parameter values

You can use any of these ways to supply parameter values for a section that accepts standard parameters.

Completing the tab — Standard parameters




ArrayChoose a name for this parameter, starting with a letter and using only letters and digits. Do not choose a parameter name that starts with the reserved word pega.

Advanced featureUse the following syntax to identify complex parameters:

  • .MyValueList() — for a Value List or Value Group structure
  • .MyPageList().Prop1, MyPageList().Prop2 — for parameters Prop1 and Prop2 on the embedded pages of the Page List structure MyPageList()

As with scalar parameters, these complex parameters are not true properties — no Rule-Obj-Property rule exists for them — but they mimic the structure of the property types. Complex parameter definitions are accepted on this Parameters tab, on the Parameters tab of the Control form.

Use the <pega:param > JSP tag, within the <pega:reference ..> JSP tag, to set values for complex and scalar parameters. Typically, complex parameter values are used within the scope of a <pega:forEach ..> JSP tag.


Optional. Enter descriptive text to document the purpose of each parameter. This description appears when a developer completes parameter values.

Data Type

SmartPromptSelect String, Boolean, or Integer as the data type of the parameter.


Select to indicate that the parameter (of data type String or Integer) must not be blank when this control is referenced in another rule. This restriction is enforced when rules are saved, not at runtime.

Leave cleared for Boolean parameters.

Type for SmartPrompt

SmartPrompt Optional. To aid application developers in selecting a value for this parameter, identify a concrete class that has a single key part, such as Data-Admin-Operator-ID. This instructs the system to let developers complete this parameter value through a SmartPrompt selection rather than by typing; it has no runtime effect.

Validate As

Optional. Identify a Single Value property in the Applies To class of this rule (or an ancestor class) that defines, on the Table Type field of the General tab, a Local List of values. When the developer enters a parameter value, the system uses the Local List values of the referenced property.

Completing the tab — Advanced Parameters

AdvancedComplete this array to use gadgets for parameters. Such sections support the operations of landing pages and other parts of the Designer Studio.



Parameters Type

SmartPromptSelect a class value for this parameter, identify a concrete class that begins with PegaGadget-.

Classes must inherit from PegaGadget in Adv Parameters.

This instructs the system to let developers complete this parameter value through a SmartPrompt selection rather than by typing; it has no runtime effect.

Or, Click image/img00031.gif to create a new class.

Parameters Display

SmartPromptSelect the flow action applied to the class referenced above. This flow action needs to contain a section applied to your class, where you define how to enter data for your parameters. The flow action can also reference a Validate rule to run validation on the entered data.

Or, Click image/img00031.gif to create a new flow action.

Default Values

Click to enter default values for your parameters.

Completing the tab — 3rd party specialty component

Advanced When you select Specialty Component on the HTML tab, an array for specifying parameters appears. The parameter radio buttons do not appear.



ModeSelect either Single Value for a scalar parameter or Page List/Group for a collection-based parameter.

Array For Single Value, enter a name starting with a letter and using only letters and digits. Do not choose a parameter name that starts with the reserved word pega.

For Page List or Page Group, enter a name that identifies the collection. Add rows (Array) beneath the parameter name and enter names for the parameters/attributes belonging to it.

This name is also the key for the scalar value or collection in the JSON returned for the specialty component.

DescriptionOptional. Enter descriptive text to document the purpose of each parameter. The descriptions appear as tool tips on the parameters in the included section's Parameters form.

The Mode and Name values you enter on the tab ...

... appear on the included section's Parameters form.

In the Value column, select properties in the current page context. You can enter literal values in the array and retrieve them as regular parameters using unique specialty component IDs and API functions. See Notes: in the HTML tab's HTML Source area for details.

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