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Completing the New or Save As form

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TipBefore creating a new activity, it is recommended that you investigate using other, preferable alternatives to accomplishing the desired outcome. Alternatives such as data transforms, declarative rules, and features of flows and case management. as well as using standard activities can remove the need to create a new activity. The New form displays a warning message with information about the other alternatives.

Create an activity by selecting Activity from the Technical category.

TipIn special cases, you can create the activity faster by choosing a template activity in the Template area to copy as a starting point for your activity.

An activity has two key parts:



Applies To

SmartPromptSelect the class to which this activity applies. If your activity is to be referenced in a flow, identify a work type (the Work- class or a class derived from the Work- base class).

The classes you can enter here may depend on the RuleSet you select. On the Advanced tab of the Class form, a class rule may limit rules applying to that class to belong to one of an explicit list of RuleSets.

Activity Name

Enter a name for this activity, starting with a letter and containing only alphanumeric and dash characters. Choose a name that is unique within the Applies To class. The name must be a valid Java identifier; see How to enter a Java identifier.

CautionThe length of the class name plus the length of the Activity Name cannot exceed 128 bytes.

The Name field in the Template area is optional. SmartPromptSelect one of the following template activities to use as a starting point for the activity you are creating:

For general information about this form see Completing the new rule dialog box. For general information on the Save As form, see How to enter rule keys using Save As.

Rule resolution

Full rule resolution applies to activities. When searching for activity rules, the system:

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