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Flow properties

About Flows


Use the Flow Properties panel to control overall characteristics of the flow diagram or to adjust the likelihood percentages. These settings affect the appearance of the diagram but do not alter execution of the flow.

Completing the panel

Click in the blank space away from any shapes or connectors to view or update the Flow Properties panel. Complete the following fields. The changes you make take effect immediately.




This field identifies the current stencil in the Visio flow. To use a different stencil, select and click Change. See Business Process Modeling Notation — definition.

When you create a new flow, the flow uses by default the stencil selected in your Edit preferences, or specified in the Template field on the New form. See Designer Studio — Setting your preferences and Flow — Completing the New or Save As form.

CautionWhen changing stencils, a shape that is delete protected remains on the Visio flow; the new shape will overlay it. To remove the setting, select the shape, select Format > Protection, and select None on the Protection menu. Click OK to close the menu.


Click Hide to omit the likelihood percentages from the diagram. Click Show to present the likelihood percentages.

Click Update to recompute and display likelihood percentages based on the history of work items processed on this system. (Recomputation may take several minutes, depending on volume.)

Page Orientation

Select Portrait (default) to make the Visio workspace taller than wide.

Select Landscape to make the Visio workspace wider and less tall.

By default, Visio uses the orientation selected in your Edit preferences when you create a new flow. See Designer Studio — Setting your preferences.


Select to present a background grid in the Visio workspace. Clear to present no grid. The default Visio grid setting is a nominal value of 1/8th of an inch.

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