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Swimlane shapes 

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Use Swimlane and Router Pool shapes to organize and graphically identify a related group of shapes that are performed within a specific work context (typically a work group) or business purpose. A router activity identified in the lane shape is associated with Assignment shapes inside the lane. During processing work items are to the appropriate user worklist or workbasket defined by the router. See router activity

For example, an insurance claim application has one assignment instructing operators to collect customer information, another to verify the information and calculate payments, and a third to issue payments and update financial records. You want each to have its own work group and workbasket. You create a pool named Insurance Claim Process containing three swimlanes named CSR, Back Office, and Fulfillment. Each lane has a router activity associated with the assignments within it. During flow processing, the router assigns the work item to the appropriate workbasket inside the lane.

NoteTo create a flow for which every shape belongs to a lane, choose CrossFunction as the Template value in the New dialog box.

Adding a swimlane shape to a flow

To add a swimlane, do the following:

  1. Drag a Swimlane shape () onto the flow diagram. When you release the mouse key, a pop-up window prompts you to select a vertical (Yes) or horizontal (No) swimlane. This option does not appear if you drag and drop and swimlane onto an existing pool.
  2. Select the orientation that best suits your flow configuration. This drops the shape onto the diagram. By default, the swimlane is contained in a Router Pool shape (not available from the palette). You cannot overlay horizontal and vertical swimlanes.
  3. Select the Router Pool shape ()to display the RouterPool properties panel. Enter a title for the shape in the Name field.
  4. Select the Swimlane shape within the pool () to display the Swimlane properties panel. Enter a title for the shape in the Name field.
  5. If the swimlane contains one or more assignment shapes, select a router activity in the SmartPromptRule field (required). This router applies to all assignments inside the lane. The Router fields in the Assignment properties panels are locked and cannot be edited. Existing router field values (if any) are overwritten by the value in the swimlane shape. You cannot attach a Router shape ( ) to an assignment in a swimlane.
  6. To add swimlanes, drag and drop Swimlane shape onto the Router Pool shape. The swimlane is inserted where it is dropped.

Working with swimlanes and router pools

Definitionsdivision, organization, organization unit, owner

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