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Create an XML Stream rule by selecting XML Stream from the Integration-Mapping category.

An XML Stream rule has three key parts:



Applies To

SmartPrompt Select the class of the page that is the basis for stream processing to generate an XML document from this rule. Enter @baseclass if this is a top-level XML Stream rule to be referenced in an activity, with no associated page.

The classes you can enter here may depend on the RuleSet you select. On the Restrictions tab of the Class form, a class rule may limit rules applying to that class to belong to one of an explicit list of RuleSets.

Stream Name

Enter a name for this XML Stream rule. Choose a name that starts with a letter and contains only letters, digits, and a dash character.

XML Type

Enter the literal MapFrom if this XML stream rule is to be referenced in the Response tab of a Service rule such as Service MQ or Service SOAP.

This key part is arbitrary and is referenced primarily when XML text (in one Rule-Obj-XML rule) uses the <pega:include > JSP tag, which instructs the system to incorporate a second XML stream (where the third key parts must match).

You may use special characters such as #,&, * ( ) in this key part. However, as a best practice, begin the name with a letter and follow the rules for a Java identifier. See How to enter a Java identifier.

For general information about the New form, see Completing the new rule dialog box. For general information on the Save As form, see How to enter rule keys using Save As.

Rule resolution

When searching for XML stream rules, the system:

Time-qualified and circumstance-qualified rule resolution features are not available for XML Stream rules.

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