Back Forward Skin form — Styles tab

Components — Smart Info

  1. Header 
  2. Body 
  3. Smart Label 

Styles set here apply to Smart Label controls. A Smart Label is a text label that is clickable. At runtime, if the user clicks the label text, a pop-up SmartInfo section appears. See SmartInfo and Harness, Section, and Flow Action forms — Adding a SmartLabel.

SmartInfo Styles

To preview changes, save the rule and click Run (Run). In the Skin Preview, click the Controls tab.


Applies to Smart Label controls.

Style Preset

Displays the currently selected Style Preset.

Click the magnifying glass () to select a different Style Preset from the Style Preset list.

Use Custom Text

Select this checkbox to define a custom text format:

  • Font— Select the font family and size in pixels (px), points (pts), em (the current font size), or percentage (%). The font family defaults to (use overall), which is the font you specified in the Overall Font field in the Style Presets.
  • Color — Enter a hexadecimal value (such as #3d3d3d) or click the box next to the field to Choose a Color.
  • Bold — Select or clear the checkbox to determine the font-weight.

Skin rules - Completing the Styles tabSkin rules — Completing the Styles tab
About Skin rulesAbout Skin rules