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Create a Service REST rule by selecting Service REST from the Integration-Services category.

Before you begin creating a Service REST rule, create or identify a Service Package data instance; the name of the service package becomes the first key part of the Service REST rule.

A Service REST rule has three key parts:



Customer Package Name

SmartPromptSelect the name of the Service Package data instance for this service rule. See About Service Package data instances. If your application is to process requests from this service asynchronously through a background agent, define a Service Request Processor data instance (Data-Admin-RequestProcessor-Service class) with this Customer Package Name value as key.

Customer Class Name

Enter a name that logically groups related service methods (service rules). This name is unrelated to Rule-Obj-Class instances; it must be a valid Java identifier. See How to enter a Java identifier.

Customer Method Name

Enter an arbitrary identifier that describes the function of the PRPC activity called by this service. See How to enter a Java identifier.

For general information about the New form, see Completing the new rule dialog box. For general information on the Save As form, see How to enter rule keys using Save As.

Rule resolution

When searching for a Service REST rule, the system filters candidate rules based on a requestor's RuleSet list, which defines the RuleSets and versions the requestor can access.

Circumstance-qualified and time-qualified resolution features are not available for Service HTTP rules. The class hierarchy is not relevant to Service REST rule resolution.

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