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When you open or save a rule form, warning messages appear in the rule form header if guardrail violations are detected. These warnings do not prevent you from successfully saving a rule.

Warnings call attention to rules, configurations, and implementation details in your application that are not recommended. Each warning has an associated severity that indicates the level of impact to the application if you do not resolve or justify it.


Reviewing warnings

To review rules in your application that have associated warnings, use the Guardrails landing page.

All warnings are instances of the Rule-Message class. You can review the full catalog of warnings in the Records Explorer.


Justifying warnings

You need the pxAllWarningJustification privilege to justify warnings. The standard access role PegaRULES:SysAdm4 grants this privilege.

To justify a warning, expand the warning section in the rule form and click Justify Warnings. Provide text in the Justify Warnings window that describes the reason why this warning can be safely ignored. Justifying a warning in a rule is a useful way to communicate to project stakeholders the acceptable reasons for not modifying the rule to remove the warning condition.


Warnings on the Create form

Warnings appear on the Create form when the rule type you are creating has a more guardrail compliant alternative. For example, a report definition is preferable over a list view rule.


To add more warnings to this form:

  1. Create a field value that contains your custom warning.

  2. Override the standard section @baseclass.pyRuleCreationWarning to reference your custom warning.

    Specify the class of the rule type you are creating as the applies to key part of the section.

  3. Override the @baseclass.pyRuleCreationWarning decision table to add the type of rule you are creating.

Refer to the section Rule-Obj-Activity.pyRuleCreationWarning as an example.


Extending warnings

To extend the warning criteria evaluated on save of a rule, create a new message and override the @baseclass.CheckForCustomWarnings extension point.


Definitions guardrails, message
Related topics Application Guardrails landing page
Standard rules Atlas — Standard decision tables
Atlas — Standard activities — Extension points
