You are here: Case management > Configuring case-type behavior > Configuring case-instantiation methods > Instantiating a case through email

Instantiating a case through email

You can use automatic instantiation to create a top-level case when an email is received. By integrating your case type with an email account, you provide a way for case workers to create cases remotely.

Note: Email instantiation is not supported in systems that use LDAP authentication.

  1. Ensure that you have an email account in your application that is configured to send and receive emails.

    Tip: Do not use a personal email account because unread messages are deleted when email instantiation is enabled.

  2. Open a top-level case type in Case Designer.

  3. On the Settings tab, click Email instantiation.

  4. Select a flow name from the Starting process list that is run when the case is created.

    Although case types can have more than one starting process, an email account is associated with only one starting process at a time.

  5. In the Email account field, press the Down Arrow key and select the name of an email account that is not associated with another case type in your application.

    Caution: You are warned when you select an email account that is already in use. If you save your case type with this configuration, more than one listener monitors the same email account, which can result in inconsistent case creation.

  6. Select the Enable email listener check box to start the listener that monitors your email account.

  7. Click Save to create the required integration rules.

For more information about the integration rules that support email instantiation, open the Designer Studio > Integration > Email > Email Listeners landing page.