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prpcUtils properties and arguments

Use the prpcUtils tool if you have a direct connection to the database to manage system management actions even if you do not have an active instance of Pega Platform.

If you need to run asynchronous operations, or you do not have a direct connection to the database, use the prpcServiceUtils tool. For more information about the prpcServiceUtils tool, see prpcServiceUtils properties and arguments.

Properties files and command-line arguments

Configure the prpcUtils.bat or script actions in the file.

You can also pass arguments to the script to override settings in the file. file properties

Common properties

Property name Value
pega.jdbc.driver.jar Path to the database driver .jar file.
pega.jdbc.driver.class The database driver class.
pega.database.type Database vendor type.
pega.jdbc.url URL of your database.
pega.jdbc.username Database user name.
pega.jdbc.password Database password. If you use a split schema, the value for the rules schema name. If you do not use a split schema, the value for the schema name. If you use a split schema, the value for the data schema name.

Export tool settings

For more information, see Exporting rules and data by using a direct connection to the database.

General export properties

Property name Value
export.archive.full.path The full path of the output archive file.

In addition to the general properties, you must also configure properties for exporting by product, application, ruleset, or class list.

Export product

Property name Value
export.archive.productKey The pzInsKey of the product rule (Rule-Admin-Product) to be exported.
export.product.dataOnly true or false. The default value, false, exports rules, data, and database changes (DDL). Set this to true to export only the data.

Export application

Property name Value
export.application.context The application name and version to export, for example: PegaRULES!07.10

Export classes

Property name Value
export.classes.included A comma-separated list of the classes to be included. To export by classes, you must specify either export.classes.included or export.keys.file; you cannot specify both.
export.included.descendent Optional: true or false. The default value, true, exports the class and its descendants. Set this to false to export only the parent class.
export.classes.excluded Optional: A comma-separated list of classes that you want to exclude.
export.excluded.descendent Optional: true or false. The default value, true, exports the class and its descendants. Set this to false to export only the parent class.
export.startVersion Optional: For rule-resolved instances of Rule-, the minimum ruleset version. For example, 07-10
export.endVersion Optional: For rule-resolved instances of Rule-, the maximum ruleset version. For example, 07-10-31
export.keys.file The full path to the file name specifying the values of pzInsKey to be exported, containing one pzInsKey per line. You must specify either export.classes.included or export.keys.file; you cannot specify both.

Export rule set

Property name Value The name of the ruleset whose instances should be exported. This value is case sensitive, for example: Pega-Desktop

Column population tool settings

For more information, see Populating properties by using a direct connection to the database.

To specify the data for populating the new column, use the include and exclude classes properties. For example, if you include Rule- with descendants and exclude Rule-File- with descendants, Pega Platform processes all descendant classes of Rule-, except rules in Rule-File-.

Classes to include

Property name Value

List one or more concrete classes to be processed, separated by commas.


Optional: True (default) or False. If true and a listed class has concrete subclasses (based on pattern inheritance), the subclasses are automatically added to the list of classes to be processed.

Classes to exclude

Property name Value

Optional: If you entered one or more classes in the expose.classes.included property, you can exclude specific subclasses by listing them here. Only instances of the exact class listed are excluded. For example, if you included Rule- classes with descendants you can use this property to filter specific classes.


Optional: True (default) or False. If true and a class listed to be excluded has concrete subclasses (based on pattern inheritance), the subclasses are automatically added to the list of classes to be excluded.

Keys and date ranges

Property name Value

Optional: You can restrict which instances are processed by using the handle or an initial portion of a handle. Enter the lowest pzInsKey value to be processed, enclosed within quotation marks.

If you provide a pzInsKey range, specify only a single class in the Include classes field, and leave the other include and exclude class fields blank.

The pzInsKey range values limit the number of rows returned when using a character sort, not a numerical sort. To process a set of work objects that have similar pzInsKey numerical values, you use date ranges for limiting the range of rows to return.


Optional: You can restrict which instances are processed using the handle or an initial portion of a handle. Enter the highest pzInsKey value to be processed, enclosed within quotation marks.

If you provide a pzInsKey range, specify only a single class in the Include classes field, and leave the other include/exclude class fields blank.


Optional: You can restrict which instances are processed based on creation date. Enter a start date value in YYYYMMDD format.

Leave blank if the expose.startKey or expose.endKey field is not blank.

The pzInsKey range values limit the number of rows returned when using a character sort, not a numerical sort. To process a set of work objects that have similar pzInsKey numerical values, you use date ranges for limiting the range of rows to return.


Optional: You can restrict which instances are processed based on creation date. Enter an end date value in YYYYMMDD format. The end date cannot be the same as the start date. Leave at least one day between the dates, for example,



Leave blank if the expose.startKey or expose.endKey field is not blank.

Reindex exposed data

Property name Value

True (default) or False. Set to true to regenerate Index- instances derived from the instances specified, based on Declare Index rules.

To expose property references, set expose.reindex=true.


Specify the rulesets to process:

  • nonpega : (Default) Process only non-Pega rulesets
  • full : Process Pega and non-Pega rulesets
  • pega : Process only Pega rulesets

In most cases, enter nonpega. You do not need to process Pega rulesets unless you are instructed to process them by Global Customer Support.

expose.commitRate Specifies the number of data instances to process with each database commit. The default is 100.
expose.numOfThreads Specifies the number of threads to use. If no value is specified, the default is the number of classes being updated. When updating large sets of data, set the number of threads to a higher value.
expose.update.rule.summary True (default) or False, specifying whether to update Data-Rule-Summary on the database. The default is false.

Access group

Property name Value
expose.declareIndex.accessgroup Specifies the access group in which the Rule-Declare-Index of the class being exposed exists. It is used when pega.user.username or pega.user.password is not provided.
pega.user.username Specifies the Pega user name used to derive the access group in which the Rule-Declare-Index of the class being exposed exists. It is used with pega.user.password when both properties are provided.
pega.user.password Specifies the Pega password used to derive the access group in which the Rule-Declare-Index of the class being exposed exists. It is used with pega.user.username when both properties are provided.

Import tool settings

For more information, see Importing rules and data by using a direct connection to the database.

Import – required properties

Property name Value
import.archive.path The relative path to the archive from the \utils\ folder or the full path to the archive. If the path is a folder, the tool processes all archive files in that folder. The name of the code set to receive the Java .class files.
import.codeset.version The code set version to receive the Java .class files, for example: 01-01-01
import.mode The import mode:
  • import : (Default) Update existing instances and remove duplicates. Use the import.existing.instances property to override this setting.
  • install : Import new instances. Do not import or update existing instances. The log file includes an exception message for each instance that already exists.
  • hotfix : Update existing instances and remove duplicates. If the archive time stamp is older than the existing instance, skip updating the instance or inserting the duplicate.
import.existing.instances How the import action handles existing instances:
  • skip : (Default) Skip instances that already exist in different rulesets or versions.
  • override : Replace instances that already exist in different rulesets or versions.

Import – optional properties

Property name Value

true skips instances that fail to import and continues after an import failure. false stops the import if any import action fails.

The default is false, which will fail on error.
import.commit.count Optional: The number of data instances processed with each database commit to balance memory usage and performance. The default of 100 is sufficient for most environments.
import.compile.libraries Optional: true or false, specifying whether to compile libraries after import. The default is true.
import.allowImportWithMissingDependencies Optional: true or false, specifying whether to allow the import to continue even if the archive is dependent on missing products. The default is false.
import.enable.defaultcontext Optional: true or false, specifying whether to allow triggers for the Pega Platform to run while performing command-line imports. The default is false. To allow triggers to run during imports, uncomment this property and set to true.

Optional: true or false, specifying whether to import archives in the order specified in the import file. The default is false, which does not enforce any order.


Optional: Specify whether to apply database schema changes during the import. The default is false. If you have already applied the schema changes manually, set this to true.


Optional: true or false, specifying whether to bypass history point saving and restore point creation during import. The recommended setting, which is also the default, is false so that history and restore points are enabled.

Hotfix manager settings

Hotfix scan

For more information, see Scanning the system by using a direct connection to the database.

Property name Value
hotfix.operation scan
hotfix.catalogPath Full path to the file.
hotfix.scan.downloadPath Full path and .zip file name where you plan to save the scan results.

Hotfix generate DDL

For more information, see Creating an SQL script by using a direct connection to the database.

Property name Value
hotfix.operation generateDDL
hotfix.DLFilePath Comma-delimited list of hotfix package download (DL) file names and paths.

Hotfix install

For more information, see Installing hotfixes by using a direct connection to the database.

Property name Value
hotfix.operation install
hotfix.DLFilePath The full path to the hotfix package file

The default value, false, applies any schema changes automatically. Specify true if you have already manually applied the schema changes.


Set only at the request of Global Customer Support to skip hotfix validations and force the hotfix data into the system.

Hotfix commit

For more information, see Committing hotfixes by using a direct connection to the database.

Property name Value
hotfix.operation commit

Hotfix rollback

For more information, see Rolling back hotfixes by using a direct connection to the database.

Property name Value
hotfix.operation rollback

IBM DB2 for z/OS import configuration tool

For more information, see IBM DB2 for z/OS: Preparing to import an application with schema changes and a separate DB-Admin-DB-Name.

Index rebuild

For more information, see Rebuilding a search index.

Property name Value
indexing.indextype Specify one of the following:
  • Rule : Index Rule- classes
  • Data : Index Data- classes
  • Work : Index Work- classes
indexing.indexdirectory Path to the directory in which to store the indexes.
indexing.classes Optional: A comma-delimited list of classes to be included or excluded from indexing. This is used with the indexing.exclude property. If nothing is specified, then all classes of the specified type are included.
indexing.exclude Optional: If indexing.classes has been specified, do one of the following:
  • To indicate that the classes are to be included in indexing, leave the indexing.exclude property commented out.
  • To indicate that the classes are to be excluded from indexing, uncomment the indexing.exclude property.
indexing.messagesfrequency Optional: The frequency (in seconds) at which indexing progress should be shown. The default is 10 seconds.

Remove index node

For more information, see Configuring index host nodes.

Property name Value
removeIndexNode.nodeId The node ID of the index node to be removed.

prpcUtils.bat and script arguments

Use the command-line arguments to augment or override values in the property file, for example, to customize one script action. The use of these arguments is optional. Each argument should be preceded with two hyphens (--).

prpcUtils script argument Value
connPropFile The full path to the file that includes information for multiple targets.
driverClass Your JDBC driver class (example: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver).
driverJAR Location of your JDBC .jar file.
dbType Database vendor type (mssql, udb, oracledate, postgres, db2zos).
dbURL JDBC URL to the database.
dbUser Database user name.
dbPassword Database password.
archivePath Full path to the archive to be imported or exported.
propFile The full path to the properties file, to override the default
hfixAction If manageHotfixes is selected, sets the hotfix operation. Valid values are commit, rollback, generateDDL, install, and scan.
rulesSchema The rules schema.
dataSchema The data schema.
noFailOnError Set to true or false. When enabled, instances that fail to import are skipped and import continues instead of failing.
U Pega user name.
P Pega password.
accessGroup AccessGroup in which the Rule-Declare-Index of the classes being exposed exists. Applicable for the expose utility if --U or --P are not provided.