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To change a rule that belongs to a RuleSet that has the check-out facility turned on:

  1. Open the rule. Confirm that the rule is not already checked out — that no lock icon (zzz) appears on the upper right of the form.
  2. Click the Check Out toolbar button (Check out) to check this rule instance out. Your private checked-out copy of the rule is initially the same as the original instance.
  3. In the Check Out Rule window, select the TaskID you want to associate with this rule. (This appears only when the project management interface is enabled for the application) The Project Explorer displays a link to this rule under the TaskID you specify making it easy to find rules modified as a part this task. See About the Project Explorer and the project management interface.
  4. Update and save the checked-out copy as often as you want.
  5. Save and test your changes while the rule remains in your private RuleSet. Other users are unaffected by your changes. You can log off and return later with the rule instance still checked out to you.
  6. When your changes are complete, click the Check In button (Check In) to check the rule back in. Enter a brief memo describing your changes.
  7. If you decide not to change the checked-out rule (or want to start over), click the Delete toolbar button (Delete). This deletes the checked-out copy of the rule only.
  8. If the RuleSet uses an approval flow, your copy of the rule is routed to an approver.

Tips and Notes

zzz zzzIf you forget which RuleSet or RuleSet Version a checked-out rule came from, expand the top section of the rule form. Click the link to access the checked in copy.

zzzUse the Restore operation (Restore) to undo (back out) a checked-in rule changes. See How to restore an earlier copy of a rule after check-in.

zzz When you access the checked-in edition of a checked out rule, a personal RuleSet appears in the top section of the form as Checked out by.... Click the link to open the checked-out copy. (You can review, but not alter, this copy if it is checked out by someone else.)

zzz Check-out does not apply to a few rule types, even when the Use checkout? box is selected:

Dot You can't check out a rule that is a base rule when you or another developer has a related circumstance-qualified or time-qualified rule checked out.

DotTo report on checked-out rules, create a list view or summary view rule with Data-Rule-Locking as the Applies To class. Create this rule using the list view or summary view rule form; you can't use the Report wizard for this.

zzzYou can't check out a rule in an override RuleSet.

Definitions rule management facility, check in, override RuleSet, private RuleSet
Related topics Using the Rule Check-In approval process
Working with the Checked Out by Me report

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