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Use the Report wizard to define and customize interactive reports for yourself or others who share an access group.

The Report wizard presents a series of panels that prompt for each element needed in a report definition. When you complete a report definition, the system creates a list view rule or summary view rule from your inputs. If you have the appropriate access role and RuleSets, you can later update the created summary view or list view rule directly, if desired.

 zzz Prerequisites

Which work pool is reported on?

Most reports present information about work objects or assignments. Before using such reports, check the work pool name currently selected. See work pool name.

What RuleSet can I add new rules to?

Identify in advance a RuleSet for the rule that defines the custom report.

Running a previously defined list view or summary view rule does not alter any rules. However, to make a custom report available from a portal shortcut, or to save a modified report definition, the list view or summary rule you create with the wizard must be saved into a RuleSet version that is not locked.

Does my access role provide the needed privilege?

The privilege @baseclass.ReportWizard is required to start the Report Wizard. Standard roles PegaRULES:WorkMgr4 and PegaRULES:SysAdm4 provide this privilege.

 zzz Starting the wizard


Managers can define reports in four categories, covering work objects, assignments, and work object history. Start the Report wizard in any of three ways:


Developers can define reports on any concrete class derived from the Assign-, Data-, History-, Index-, Log-, Rule-, or System- base classes. To start the Report wizard, select File > New > Report > report category.


  1. Click the logo image to return to the Home view.
  2. Click the Monitor Activity button (Monitor Activity) to access the Monitor Activity slice.
  3. Identify one of seven categories that is to contain the report.
  4. Click the New button (New) in that section.

 zzz Advanced topics

AdvancedYou can start the Report wizard to report on any concrete class:

  1. Open the standard activity named Rule-Obj-HTML.Wizard_StartViewWizard
  2. Click the Run toolbar button (Run).
  3. Enter Data- as the value of the category parameter.

AdvancedSome classes may contain hundreds of properties. To help application users find the properties they want when using the wizard, your application can extend and customize the categories (such as Date/Time Fields, Numeric Fields, and so on) that group properties. See Report Wizard customizations — How to categorize properties into custom categories.

AdvancedTo simplify or restrict use of the Report Wizard, you can customize an activity to control which classes appear in the DataSource step. See Report Wizard customizations — How to restrict available DataSource classes.

Definition base class, slice
Related topics About List View rules
About Summary View rules
Developer portal — Monitor Activity slice
WorkManager portal — Working in the Monitor Activity workspace

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