C-497 C-2442 When you complete the
Save As form, you provide one or more key parts that together determine
the visible instance key. Optionally, you can provide additional fields
to qualify and control the rule. REVISED FOR PROJ-821 and
Depending on the type of the rule that you are creating, this process has up to nine steps:
Select a filter to restrict the SmartPrompt list of Applies To classes to a smaller, more relevant subset of classes. This avoids searching long lists of classes that are not part of your implementation or framework and eliminates validation errors caused by creating instances in the wrong RuleSets. GRP-441
The filter appears only when you create a
rule that requires an Applies To class as part of its
key structure, such as a property or activity rule.
— Displays classes that belong
to the Application RuleSets list in your Operator
— Displays classes that belong to
any RuleSet version in the RuleSet list in your
Operator profile and not included in the Application RuleSet list
(omitting the Pega- classes)All
— Displays classes that belong to both
the Application RuleSet and RuleSets lists in your Operator profile
and Pega- classes Step 2: Enter
names (key parts)
The form lists the name or key part fields
for the rule type, with values from the original rules.
For many rule types, the new rule can retain the same key parts as the original rule, but belong to a different version, different RuleSet, or become circumstance-qualified or time-qualified.
Many standard rules have Work- as the Applies To key part, but you cannot create additional rules with Work- as the Applies To key part. When you're copying such a rule, the Save As form defaults the name of the container class for the current work pool as the Applies To class.
A green triangle () at the right end of a field indicates that
SmartPrompt is available. Press the
Down Arrow
key to
access a list of choices, as an alternative to typing a value.
For help on choosing names, see Choosing rule and data instance names. Some key parts are restricted to be Java identifiers, which start with a letter and meet additional restrictions. See How to enter a Java identifier.
If the original rule you are copying has the
Available field set to
, enter at
least one key part that differs from the keys of the original, or
choose the same RuleSet and a higher version number. By definition,
you cannot override a final rule with another rule in a different
RuleSet. 03-02
When creating a circumstance-qualified or
time-based rule by copying the original rule, don't alter the name
(final) key parts. However, you can change the Applies
To class to another class that is derived from the
Applies To class of the original rule. C-2441
Step 3: Enter
RuleSet and version
Select a RuleSet and version. The lists
identify unlocked RuleSets and versions that you can access.
Field |
Description |
RuleSet Name |
R-5572 To override this default, select a RuleSet from the list.
Version |
If the original rule belongs to a RuleSet that has a version that is not locked, the highest such version to which you have access appears here. B-19804 If the RuleSet name field contains a Local Customization RuleSet from the Settings tab of your access group, the corresponding version from the access group typically appears here. R-5572 You can select another version from the list. By definition, you can't save a new rule into a locked RuleSet version. |
02-02 The RuleSet and version you choose has prerequisites, identified in the Rule-RuleSet-Version instance. The RuleSet associated with the class instance (Rule-Obj-Class) must be among the prerequisites of the RuleSet and version you choose.
Step 4: Set the
rule availability and status
Select an initial availability value for the new rule. You can
change this value anytime later using the Availability toolbar button
(). Select one of five
Value |
Select ... |
To make this rule instance available, so that it can be found by rule resolution processing. |
No/Draft Mode
To make this rule unavailable to everyone — never selected by rule resolution — regardless of other rule settings. |
To make this version and lower versions invisible and never found during rule resolution to all users seeking this version, regardless of other rule settings. (Users requesting a higher-numbered version or a specific lower number version may find those versions.) |
To make this rule available and also prevent this rule from being overridden, in any RuleSet. |
To make this rule never selected by rule resolution (like No/Draft) but also to hide other rules from rule resolution that share the same RuleSet, visible key, and qualifications (if any) but have a lower version. This allows you to effectively delete a rule in a locked RuleSet Version, by masking it from rule resolution. C-2555 |
After you save this rule instance, you can change the Availability
value with the Availability () or Save As (
) buttons (and only for rules belonging to unlocked
RuleSet versions).
Leave the Status field blank
except in special situations. Select:
— To associate this rule with one of
Process Commander's interfaces. Select an interface.
(Traditionally, this designation indicates an intent not to change
the functionality of the rule in future releases.)Template
— To mark this rule as a template,
to appear in the Template field. Useful for
harness and flow rules. (See step 4 above)Extension
— To mark this rule as an extension point of
a framework, to be overridden in each implementation of the
framework. Extensions are specified by framework developers for
rules that are intended to be overwritten or copied down to the
implementation class. (If the current application was
developed using the Application Accelerator, select
The value you select for this property
(Rule-.pyMethodStatus) does not affect validation,
execution, rule resolution, or migration of the rule. The value does
not appear on the rule form and cannot be changed later.
Step 5: Enter
optional circumstance qualifications
This area enables you to specify the following qualifications for a rule:
The Circumstance area appears only for rules of rule types with the Allow Selection based on Property Rules? box selected on the Class form defining the rule type. You can specify either a single-property circumstance or a multiple-property circumstance.
Don't complete circumstance fields for a
rule unless another, base rule exists with these fields blank. The
base rule can have the same Applies To key part as
the Applies To key part of the circumstance-qualified
rule, or a parent or ancestor class of the Applies To
key part of the circumstance-qualified rule. C-2441 GENTJ
Select the appropriate type of
circumstance in
the Use drop-down list as follows:
to specify a single-property
to specify multiple-property
circumstancesIf you select Property
, four additional fields appear.
The property fields in this section are optional. If you enter a
property name in the Property field, also enter a
property value. If you enter a date property name, also enter a date
(and optionally, a time).
Field |
Description |
Property |
Value |
If you entered a property name, enter a literal value for that property to further restrict operation of rule resolution. You cannot use blank or the null value as the circumstance property value. B-20249 |
Date Property |
C-721 |
Date Value |
Click the calendar button ( |
If you select Template
, two additional fields appear.
proj-838 v5.4 The Template field is
optional. If you select a template, enter a value in the
Definition field.
Field |
Description |
Template |
Definition |
Like circumstance-qualified rules, time-qualified
rules require a preexisting sibling rule instance (of any RuleSet
and version) with unspecified (blank) Date Range
fields. These fields are optional. Don't complete date range
fields for a rule unless the system contains another, existing rule
with these fields blank. (The base rule must have the same name but
may have a parent or ancestor Applies To class of the
time-based rule.) C-2441 GENTJ
After you save the rule, the rule is active during the specified time interval. At all other times, the base rule is active.
The Date Range area appears only for rule types that have the Allow rules that are valid only for a certain period of time? box selected on the Class form for the rule type.
Field |
Description |
Start | Optional. Click the calendar
button (![]() |
End | Optional. Click the calendar button to choose the end date, and time (optional) for this rule. |
Two or more time-qualified rules (for the
same base rule) may have overlapping time intervals. During rule
resolution, if two or more time-qualified rules are both candidates at
the current time and date, the system selects the ones with the
nearest end date. Of these, if multiple remaining candidate rules have
the same end date, the system picks the candidate with the most recent
start date. OK GENTJ 3/16/07
Leave the Status field blank
except in special situations. Select:
— To associate this rule with one of
Process Commander's interfaces. Select an interface.
(Traditionally, this designation indicates an intent not to change
the functionality of the rule in future releases.)Template
— To mark this rule as a template,
to appear in the Template field. Useful for
harness and flow rules. (See step 4 above)Extension
— To mark this rule as an extension point of
a framework, to be overridden in each implementation of the
framework. Extensions are specified by framework developers for
rules that are intended to be overwritten or copied down to the
implementation class. (If the current application was
developed using the Application Accelerator, select
The value you select for this property
(Rule-.pyMethodStatus) does not affect validation,
execution, rule resolution, or migration of the rule. The value does
not appear on the rule form and cannot be changed later.
Step 8: Select
Project Management Task ID
Select the TaskID you want to associate with this rule. The Project Explorer displays a link to this rule under the TaskID you specify making it easy to find rules modified as a part of this task.
This field appears only if the optional Project Management interface is enabled for this application. 5.4 Proj-833 See About the Project Explorer and the project management interface.
Click Save As to save the rule.
The Available field is not present on a few rule forms. For example, class rules (Rule-Obj-Class rule type) and library rules (Rule-Utility-Library rule type) are always available.
The rule resolution algorithm operates differently on different rule types. See the help topics Completing the New form for each rule type to understand specifics of rule resolution for that type.
The Save As toolbar tool is restricted to those users who hold the privilege @baseclass.ToolbarFull or @baseclass.ToolbarSaveAs. C-2346