Back Forward Deprecated facilities

The following facilities are deprecated. Do not use them in new development.

Rule types



Rule-Report-*** Replaced by list view rule type. See About List View rules.
Rule-Admin-Product-Patch Capabilities now available in Rule-Admin-Product. See About Product rules.
Rule-Declare-Constraint Replaced by the Rule-Declare-Constraints rule type. See About Constraints rules
Rule-Declare-Expression Replaced by the Rule-Declare-Expressions rule type. See About Declare Expression rules.
Rule-File-Form Use harnesses to define rule forms. See About Harnesses.
Rule-HTML-FixedList No longer necessary. Use Rule-HTML-Property.
Rule-Obj-JSP No longer necessary. Use Rule-Obj-HTML, Rule-Obj-XML, or another stream rule type with JSP tags.
Rule-RDB-SQL Replaced by Rule-Connect-SQL rule type. See About Connect-SQL rules.
Rule-Query-List Replaced by Rule-Obj-ListView rule type. See About List View rules.
Rule-Query-Summary Replaced by Rule-Obj-SummaryView rule type. See About Summary View rules.
Rule-Service-CORBA Use any other service type: SOAP, EJB, HTTP, and so on.




Apply-Model Replaced by Apply-Data-Transform method.
Index-Finish Replaced by Declare Index rules. See About Declare Index Rules.
Obj-List Replaced in most cases by the Obj-Browse method followed optionally bu the Obj-Filter method.
Property-Set-Special Replaced by Property-Set method.
Show-Applet Replaced by Show-Page method
Show-Applet-Data method Replaced by the Show-Property method.
Wait-for-Connector Replaced by Connect-Wait method.




Override RuleSets Eliminate, or use a production RuleSet.

Activities that use the 02 API (on the Steps tab)

Activities that use the 03-02 API.

Data-Admin-ClassGenerator class

See About the Connector and Metadata accelerator.

Data-Admin-ConnectGenerator class.

See About the Connector and Metadata accelerator.

Data-Customer class

Use Data-Party-COM or Data-Party-Person.

Property type of Amount.

Use Decimal as the type.

Application Document tool

Use the Document wizard.

Use of libraries named Default for new function rules is discouraged.

Create other libraries with more descriptive names, and place new functions in them rather than in a library named Default.

Organization, division, and requestor data instances that contain lists of RuleSets and versions.

Use of application rules (Rule-Application rule type) rather than lists is encouraged. See About Application rules.

$mode-display in HTML code

In releases before V5.4, the boolean keyword $mode-display detected read-only output mode for HTML. The $mode-display keyword is deprecated for new development; use !mode-input instead.

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