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Use application rules to define an ordered set of RuleSets and versions that together identify the parts of a PRPC application. In addition, application rules relate the application's objectives, specifications, and actors to objects created as part of the Direct Capture of Objectives tools and wizards.

You can use the gadgets in the Application Overview landing page to view and edit many of the settings in the rule. Select > Application > Overview to access the landing page.

Note The text in the Description field (label) appears as the current application on the Application menu and appears in the Switch Application list. Enter a unique, meaningful name. Include a version number in this field or other identifying text if users have access to more than one version of the application.

Note In most cases, use the Application Accelerator to create new application rules, rather than this rule form. Similarly, in most cases, use the Application Overview landing page, rather than this rule form, to update information on the Details and Requirements tabs.

NoteIf you are creating an application for users of a composite portal who may enter work items:

Where referenced

Access groups can reference application rules. In addition, application rules can reference other application rules.


Use the Rules Explorer to list all the application rules that are available to you.


Application rules part of the Application Definition category. An application rule is an instance of the Rule-Application class.

Topic About the Application Accelerator
Application Overview Landing page
Standard rules Atlas — Standard application rules

Application Definition category
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