Back Forward WorkManager portal — Using the Dashboard


TipThis topic describes the traditional ('fixed') WorkManager portal introduced in V5.1. As a best practice in new applications, use a portal based on the composite Manager portal (introduced in V5.5), rather than the traditional WorkManager portal.

The Dashboard workspace of the WorkManager portal provides easy access to displays and controls that provide a real-time overview of the business supported by an application.

Click the bar to access the Dashboard workspace and navigation panel. As you use links on the home view, the workspace changes to present forms, reports, and other displays. Click the home icon (Home) on the Dashboard bar to return to the home view.

 Navigation panel

 Workspace — Processes for Application

 Workspace — Processes dashboard

 Workspace — My Work In Process

 Workspace — My Business Rules area

Definitions timeliness
Related topics How to complete rule and data form fields

UpPortals in applications