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User portals support users of applications as they create, update, and resolve work items; and managers as they monitor work activity and help workers resolve issues. User portals may be customized to reflect the terminology, layout, and needs appropriate to each user community.

TipThe recommended portal type is the composite portal, introduced in Version 5.5. PRPC also supports traditional (also called 'classic', or 'fixed') portals, introduced in Version 5.1. Traditional portals are not recommended for new application development.

Follow these links to learn about these two portal types:

If your application is appropriately designed and tested, your application users can use browsers other than Internet Explorer. See Cross-browser support for user portals.

Similarly, if your requirements include making the forms and pages of your application accessible, PRPC includes facilities that can aid in achieving this goal. See Understanding accessibility.

Pega composite applications are PRPC applications created with the Internet Application Composer (IAC). You can embed a Pega composite application as a gadget in a web page of a company intranet, extranet, or web site, and users can access it there rather than through a user portal See About Pega composite applications and About the Internet Application Composer (IAC).

Definitions portals, composite portal, traditional portal
Related topics About Portal rules
Traditional portals — How to customize portal layout and behavior

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