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Completing the Description tab

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  3. Details 
  4. Description 
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Use the Description tab to provide free-form details that describe the steps involved in completing this specification, such as what the system displays, applicable edits and choices, and expected behavior.

Tip You can enter the details directly in the rich-text area field on this tab, or use Microsoft Word to capture the content. A typical approach for the rich-text area is to use it as a scratch pad for quickly capturing the information. Then, to further refine the details, click the Open in Microsoft Word link to use the Edit in Word feature and work on the description in Microsoft Word. Upon clicking the link, Word opens and loads the text from the rich-text area. When you save in Word, the description is saved as a document file attached to the Specification, and you use the Edit in Word feature for subsequent updates to the information.

If you choose to edit the content in Word, you must continue to use Word to update the content. The rich-text area field is not available after you choose to edit the content using Word.



Open in Microsoft Word

Click this link to use the Edit in Word feature. When clicked, the system opens Microsoft Word and you can use it to enter and edit the description text.

Note: Before clicking this link, close any other Word sessions that you might have opened from PRPC. The system can open only one Microsoft Word session for editing at the same time.

If the Edit in Word feature was previously used, the Description tab displays information about when the description was last modified.

In addition to the Edit in Word feature, you can provide a Word file on the Attachments tab and specify that file be used as the description by selecting the Use as Description? checkbox on that tab.

Rich-text area

Enter free-form details that describe the steps involved in completing the specification, the applicable edits, and expected behavior. Do not enter information about exception paths for the specification. Those are defined by other specifications in the application.

Use the rich text controls to format the text in the rich-text area. The following controls are available when text in the rich-text area is highlighted.




Change the font of selected text.


Change the font size of selected text


Bold the selected text using the <strong> HTML tag.


Make the selected text italics.


Make the selected text underscored.

Font color

Change the font color of the selected text. Choose a color from the palette.

Background color

Set the background color of the selected area. Choose a color from the palette.

Unordered list

Convert the selected paragraphs to an unordered list (<ul> tag).

Ordered list

Convert the selected paragraphs to an ordered list (<ol> tag).

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