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Completing the Implementation tab

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Use the Implementation tab to associate the specification to the rules for the work type's starting flow, the flow's components, and any individual activities that are configured to implement the specification during the development cycle. The associations are displayed as links in this tab.

Associating the specification with the rules within the system creates a comprehensive view of the relationship between the specification (which holds the details of the desired implementation) and the rules that implement the application and process the work.

This tab displays links to the following items that are currently associated with the specification:

The links are displayed in the following sections:



Edit Links

Click to display a separate window to add to or modify the list of items that appears in the WITHOUT FLOW CONTEXT section of this tab.

In the window that opens, use and to add and delete links to activities.

To link an activity that is not already associated with this specification:

  1. Click to add a new row, if there is not one available. Otherwise, use an available row.
  2. Use the Applies To field to specify the Applies To class for the activity.
  3. Use the Implementation Activity field to specify the activity. The activity must have its May Start? checkbox selected.

Click Save and Close to save updates made in the window and apply them to the Implementation tab.

Note The window also displays an IN FLOW CONTEXT section that lists the context links for flows and flow-related rules related to the specification. These links cannot be edited in Implementation tab of the Specification rule form. However, clicking Delete All Links deletes the context links for process-related rules.

Delete All Links

Click to delete all links for this specification.

Use the Delete All Links button with caution. Clicking Delete All Links removes all displayed links — both flows and activities — from the specification. While you can add links to activities directly from the specification form, you must add links to flows and their components using the Flow rule form.


Displays links to the rules for the flow and flow shapes that are associated with this specification.

In general, you associate a flow shape with a specification to establish and show the relationship between the underlying rule for that shape (which implements the step in the process flow) and the specification (which details the implementation requirements for that step). These associations are specified in the shapes' properties panels in the flow rule, or, in the case of a specification for an entire flow, using the Specifications tab of the Flow rule form.

You can click a link listed in one of the columns in this section to open the form for that item. For each row:

  • Applies To: Click the link to open the form for the listed rule's Applies To class.
  • Implementation: Click the link to open the listed rule. Roll over the icon in this column to see the rule type of the listed rule.
  • Flow: Click the link to open the associated flow rule.
  • Task: Displays the name of the assignment that references the flow action that is linked to the specification.


Displays links to those process steps that are associated with this specification that are implemented using activities that are independent of a flow (for example, logging and navigation). Click Edit to update the list. The columns provide information about each listed activity (such as its Applies To class, name, who lasted updated it, and when).

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