In most cases, as a best practice use the Application Overview landing page, rather than this rule form, to update information on the Requirements tab. See Application Overview landing page.
Use the Requirements tab to link and display requirements for the application.
Field |
Description |
Edit Links |
Click to display a separate window to add to or modify the list of requirements linked to the application. The window displays the list of requirements already linked to the application. To add a requirement to the list:
To modify an entry, update the fields for that entry. To delete an entry in the list, click Click Save and Close to save your changes. Click Cancel to cancel any changes you made and close the window. |
Delete All Links |
Click to delete all links between the listed requirements and this application. Deleting all links removes the associations between the application and the listed requirements. |
Linked Requirements |
Expand the section to display requirements that are explicitly linked to this application rule. This list is used to organize application documentation and generate traceability matrices. To display a requirement's information, click its row. The system opens the rule form for that requirement. To sort the list by one of the columns, select the column heading. An arrow appears that indicates the sort order (for example, ascending order). |
All Requirements |
Expand the section to display all requirements that exist within this application. A requirement exists in an application if its rule is defined using the application's name. See About Application Requirements. To display a requirement's information, click its row. The system opens the rule form for that requirement. To sort the list by one of the columns, select the column heading. An arrow appears that indicates the sort order (for example, ascending order). |
Export to Excel |
Click to export the requirements list as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. |