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Working with the Versions tab

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Use this tab to update any version rules defined for this RuleSet, or to create additional versions.

RuleSet version rules identify a three-level version number for a RuleSet. You can update these rules to prohibit changes to rules in the version, to record a start date for the version, and to identify any dependencies between this RuleSet version and other RuleSets.

Branch RuleSets can have one version only (by default, 01-01-01). You cannot add versions to a branch RuleSet.


Editing a Version

 Using the context menu

 Copying RuleSets or versions

Creating RuleSets or versions

Deleting RuleSets and versions

Definitions check in, check out, delegated rules, personal RuleSet, rule management facility
Related topics About the RuleSet Delete tool
Standard rules Atlas — Standard RuleSet Names

Up About RuleSets