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Each row of this array identifies one rule, data instance, or shortcut associated with the user or the access group identified in the key.

To add a row to this array, enter the handle of the rule or data instance to be delegated, or the exact URL with parameters of the shortcut.

NoteUse this form primarily to remove rows.



Open Specific Version?

Check this box to open a specific RuleSet Version copy of the rule.

When this box is selected and a user accesses a rule from the My Rules area of the Process Work workspace, the system opens this exact rule. If this box is cleared, the system applies rule resolution to find the rule with the class and name specified in the Instance Handle field. The RuleSet and version of the rule it obtains depends on the user's RuleSet list.

For Data- objects, rule resolution does not apply and this box has no effect.

Instance Handle

For a favorite, enter a full handle (pzInsKey property) of the rule or data instance in this field, in uppercase with appropriate spaces.

For example for the handle:


the prefix is:


(For data instances, the handle does not contain a date and time suffix.)

To obtain the handle of a rule or data instance, access the object using the Explorer and click the Rule Data button () on the toolbar. In the resulting XML display, locate the pzInskey property.

Advanced featureFor a shortcut, enter the URL for the activity followed by percent-encoded parameters and values.

Anchor Text

Enter brief unedited text describing the object referenced in this row. This appears in the following locations:

  • My Rules area of the Dashboard workspace (such as in the standard User and Manager portals)
  • Favorites window of the Designer Studio and Business Analyst portals
  • As the label for shortcuts

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