Back Forward WorkManager portal — Using the Dashboard

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The Dashboard workspace of the WorkManager portal workspace provides easy access to displays and controls that provide a real-time overview of the business supported by an application.

Click the zzzbar to access the Dashboard workspace and navigation panel. As you use links on the home view, the workspace changes to present forms, reports, and other displays. Click the home icon (Home) on the Dashboard bar to return to the home view.

 zzzNavigation panel

Select the work pool

The scope of many Dashboard facilities is restricted to the work types of the application you choose. Select or confirm the current work pool name at the top left of the navigation panel, below the logo. Each corresponds to a work pool (a collection of concrete Work- classes). See work pool name.


This area shows basic facts about your Operator ID instance. Click your name at the top of the navigation panel to learn more, including locale, access roles, and RuleSet list. See profile.

 zzzWorkspace — Processes for Application

The Processes for Application area provides quick access to the Visio diagram of each flow rule (associated with the current application) that starts a new flow execution:

See How to create a new flow and make it available for more information about this list.

 zzzWorkspace — Processes dashboard

By default, this area contains four interactive charts you can use to monitor your work group:

Your application may present a custom Dashboard workspace containing different gadgets, charts, or reports. For an example, see the Pega Developer Network article PDNPRKB-24158 How to Add a Chart to a Portal.

Drag the slider control (Slider) to adjust which categories are visible. Click the Maximize button (Maximize) to present the chart in a larger, full-screen window. Click the Show Data button (Show Data) to view the summary view output as numeric data.

To view and interact with interactive charts, confirm that your workstation Web browser includes the Adobe Flash Player 9, a free download. See Flash Player.

The standard HTML rule Data-Gadget.IChartsDashboard presents the four interactive charts in this space. By default, these interactive charts refresh only every 50 minutes or so; you can override this HTML rule and set a lower timeout value or present different charts.

OldIn Process Commander 5.1 and earlier releases, the contents of the Dashboard are presented by the standard HTML rule Data-Gadget.GraphsforWorkMonitoring. If your application needs to use the static image charts presented in Version 4.X and 5.1, you can revert to the older summary view rules, which remain available with the same name as before, without the final "IC" in the name.)

 zzzWorkspace — My Work In Process

This area contains your worklist, available also in the Process Work space.

 zzzWorkspace — My Business Rules area

This area contains a list of shortcut links to rule instances or data instances delegated to you. See How to delegate a rule.

Definitions timeliness
Related topics How to complete rule and data form fields

zzz User portal basics