A RuleSetname is an instance of the Rule-RuleSet-Name rule type. Each RuleSet defines a major subset of rules in the PegaRULES database, because every instance of every rule type references or "belongs to" a RuleSet. A RuleSet name is a major aspect in:
On rule forms, the RuleSet name appears at the upper right.
The term RuleSet sometimes refers to the name instance and sometimes informally refers to the contents of that RuleSet — all the instances of Rule- classes associated with that RuleSet.
The Rule-.pyRuleSet property, present in every rule instance, records the RuleSet name to which the instance belongs.
Process Commander itself consists of six standard RuleSets:
Any application developer who can check out rules has a private RuleSet. The system creates each private RuleSet automatically, named to match the developer's Operator ID value.
A RuleSet name is limited to 64 characters. The property pyRuleSet, included in most rule types, identifies the RuleSet for that rule.