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Reports in the Analyze Quality category

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Reports in the Analyze Quality area of the Monitor Activity workspace cover resolved work objects. To access this area:

Select a link and review the status line of the Internet Explorer window to learn the name of the associated summary view or list view report.


These reports analyze and summarize resolved work objects along quality dimensions. They support a retrospective review of past work, to aid in understanding how well the organization performs and how to improve business processes.

Developers can change the order and links of reports of reports in this area by overriding model rules named System-User-MyRules.WorkAnalysisReports. See Evolving the Monitor Activity workspace.

NoteMany of these reports are limited to no more than 500 work objects, and show all the resolved work objects in your application, with no starting or ending cutoff dates. Copy the standard rule and modify the limit, criteria, and other fields to meet the needs of your application and user management.

 zzzSummary view reports

These quality reports are based on summary view rules.



Average elapsed time per status Chart


For resolved work objects in the current application, presents a bar chart by work type, showing the average time (hours, minutes, and seconds) these work objects held a New work object status, a status starting with the word Open, or a status starting with the word Pending.

If your application uses the New, Pending, and Open status values, this report can help identify how fast work objects progress from New to Open, and for how long (on average) they are in a Pending status, awaiting inputs from external sources.

Drill down to see the resolved work objects that support the totals for one work type.

Count by Resolver

For each of five operators, shows the number of work objects they have resolved. Drill down to see the work objects, and whether they were resolved before goal, before deadline, or beyond deadline.

Daily process

resolution by work group Chart


In line chart and tabular form, for each of 30 past calendar days plus today, shows a count of work objects in the selected application resolved by work group. Drill down on a work group to see the resolved work objects.

Effort by customer


Counts and totals of effort in days for resolved work objects in the current application. Summarized by customer enterprise (.pyCustomerEnterprise property), customer (.pyCustomer property), and work type. Drill down to see the individual resolved work objects.

Elapsed Time in different states, by originator


Shows counts and total time that resolved work objects in the current application were in each of three status values: New, Open, and Pending. Times are in elapsed seconds. Summarized by originating organization unit, division, and organization.

Drill down to review the work objects and the associated times.

Quality by customer


For resolved work objects in the current application, prepares six quality statistics, summarized by customer enterprise (.pyCustomerEnterprise property), customer (.pyCustomer property), and work type:

  • Total resolved
  • Resolved past goal
  • Resolved past deadline
  • Number reopened
  • Effort total
  • Cost total

Drill down to see the resolved work objects.

Timeliness by originator


For resolved objects in the current application, shows three counts at the originating Operator ID, organization unit, division, organization level:

  • Total resolved
  • Resolved past goal
  • Resolved past deadline

Drill down to see the work objects.

Timeliness by resolving unit


For resolved objects in the current application, shows three counts at the resolving organization unit, division, organization level:

  • Total resolved
  • Resolved past goal
  • Resolved past deadline

Drill down to see the work objects.

Timeliness by work type Chart


Horizontal bar chart with one row per work type in the current application.

Bars show the counts of resolved work objects that were resolved within goal, past goal, and past deadline, with a total.

Top Process Resolvers Chart


Pie chart with colored pie slices for the five operators who resolved the most work objects in the current application. Work objects not resolved by one of these five are not included in the chart nor in the tabulation. Drill down to see the work objects for an operator.

Weekly process creation by work type Chart


Line chart with a colored line for each work type in the current application, showing how many new work objects of that type were created (entered) in each week of the last eight calendar weeks.

Drill down to see the work objects for a type (for all weeks).

Definitions assignment, assignment statistics, customer, deadline, division, effort, goal, originator, organization unit, ownership, resolution quality, timeliness, throughput, worklist, work group, work type, work queue
Related topics WorkManager Portal — Working in the Monitor Activity workspace
Standard rules Atlas — Standard properties in the Work- base class

UpUser portal basics