Back Forward Working with user forms (V5.X)


Standard user forms offer important capabilities and power to application users. You can customize the standard forms to meet design or usage requirements for your application.

This topic presents general information about using user forms for applications created with the Application Accelerator in V5.1-V6.1. In those versions of PRPC, when the Application Accelerator generates the application, it copies the standard harnesses Work-.New, Work-.Perform, Work-.Review and Work-.Confirm into the generated application's work types and RuleSets.

Details of these forms in your application may differ from the standard, based on the portal rules, harnesses, and other features in your applications.

Contrasting V5-V6.1 user forms and V6.2+ user forms

The appearance and capabilities of standard user forms created by the V6.2+ Application Accelerator are different, as they can support complex cases. In general, the V6.2+ Application Accelerator copies the harnesses Work-.New, Work-.Perform, Work-.Review and Work-.Confirm (if they exist in the application you are building on) into the generated application's work types and RuleSets. See Working with user forms (V6.2+).

However if you prefer, you can use V5-style user forms in V6.X applications. See PDN article 26388 How to retain pre-V6 harnesses in applications upgraded to V6.2.


  Parts of a user form (V5.X and V6.1)

  Buttons, icons, and other controls

  Using the breadcrumbs control in user forms in V5.X and V6.1 applications

  Editing correspondence

Definitions correspondence, cover, folder
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Completing the new rule dialog
Working with user forms (V6.2+)

UpPortals in applications