Back Forward Common names for rules

For rules, this help system and other materials use ordinary English words to refer to a single rule of a specific rule type. These words are known as common names for the rule types. It is simpler to say or read:

 Find a property that has ...


 Find an instance of the Rule-Obj-Property rule type that has....

Most common names are familiar and unlikely to cause confusion:

Other common names are less natural or less obvious. For example, the common name for Rule-Obj-When instances is not when, it is when condition.

Here's a more complete list:

An X...

... is a rule of the Y rule type ...

access role Rule-Access-Role-Name
Access of Role to Object Rule-Access-Role-Obj
activity Rule-Obj-Activity
agents rule Rule-Agent-Queue. Don't confuse with Data-Agent-Queue.
alias function rule Rule-Alias-Function
binary file rule Rule-File-Binary
class Rule-Obj-Class. To distinguish Java classes from PRPC classes, the word Java always appears in help topics when referring to Java classes.
connector rule Any of the Rule-Connect- classes
control rule Rule-HTML-Property
constraints rule Rule-Declare-Constraints
correspondence rule Rule-Obj-Corr
correspondence fragment Rule-Corr-Fragment
data transform Rule-Obj-Model
decision table Rule-Declare-DecisionTable
decision tree Rule-Declare-DecisionTree
Declare Expression Rule-Declare-Expressions
field value Rule-Obj-FieldValue
flow Rule-Obj-Flow
flow action Rule-Obj-FlowAction
fragment Rule-HTML-Fragment
function Rule-Utility-Function
harness Rule-HTML-Harness
HTML rule Rule-Obj-HTML
HTML Property rule — see control rule Rule-HTML-Property
library rule Rule-Utility-Library
list rule Rule-Obj-List
list view rule Rule-Obj-ListView
map value Rule-Obj-MapValue.
message rule Rule-Message. Don't confuse message rules with a message — an element on the clipboard.
method Rule-Method. In this help system, the phrase "Java method" distinguishes Rule-Method rules from Java methods.
model — see data transform Rule-Obj-Model
Parse Delimited rule Rule-Parse-Delimited
Parse Structured rule Rule-Parse-Structured
Parse XML rule Rule-Parse-XML
portal rule Rule-Portal
privilege Rule-Admin-Privilege
product rule Rule-Admin-Product
property Rule-Obj-Property
property alias Rule-Obj-Property-Alias
property qualifier Rule-Obj-Property-Qualifier
RuleSet Rule-RuleSet-Name
section Rule-HTML-Section
service level Rule-Obj-ServiceLevel
service rules Any of the Rule-Service- classes
setting rule Rule-Access-Setting
skill rule Rule-Access-Skill
summary view rule Rule-Obj-SummaryView
text file rule Rule-File-Text
ticket Rule-Obj-Ticket
validation rule Rule-Obj-Validate (not Rule-Edit-Validate)
version Rule-RuleSet-Version
when condition Rule-Obj-When (not the same as Rule-Access-When). Don't confuse when conditions — rules — with the <pega:when > JSP tag.
work parties rule (Always plural). Rule-Obj-WorkParties.
XML rule Rule-Obj-XML
Related topics Common names for data instances
Standard rules Atlas — Standard rules

UpDesigner Studio basics