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Adding a Text Area control

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A cell in a layout can present the value of a property, as display-only or as an input field. Follow these instructions to control the presentation of a property value in a Text Area control. Configure styles for the Text Area control using the Skin rule.

The Text Area control uses the auto-generated control rule pxTextArea. Its look and behavior are governed by the rule form's Control tab. The Parameters tab is not available and the HTML cannot be edited. As a best practice, do not modify a copy of the rule. Instead, use the Parameters dialog available in the control's Cell Properties panel while designing a section, flow action, or harness. See Completing the Control tab.

If you are building a Mobile application, see Supported user interface features for mobile applications.

TipAs a best practice, use pxTextArea in new development, rather than the non-auto-generated rule TextArea (which remains available and supported). See About the V5 Text Area control.

TipThe UI Gallery landing page contains a working example of this control. To view and interact with this example and review its configuration, select > User Interface > UI Gallery and select Text Area in the Controls group.

  1. Drag and drop the Text Area control

  2. Complete the Cell Properties panel — Top fields

  3. Complete the Cell Properties panel — General tab

  4. Complete the Cell properties panel — Advanced tab

  Copying, deleting, duplicating, or moving a Text Area control

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