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Only for Federated Case Management (FCM) configurations. Use this tab to publish this case type's properties, enabling users on control systems to create and work on instances of this case type. For the purpose of data transforms, the properties on this tab are available on the control system remote Case Type rule form's Remote Case Configuration tab.



Publish as a Remote Case Type Select to make properties from this case type available to remote case types on control systems.
Permit new work creation Select if users will be creating cases.
List properties to initialize for instantiation Appears when you select Permit new work creation.
Property Name Click to add a property that will be used in a data transform when a case is created. Select a Property Name key part. Use the remote case type's Map values to initialize properties for instantiation array on the Remote Case Configuration tab to configure the data transform.
Description Read-only display of the property's Description value.
List properties to expose for UI interactions Appears when you select Publish as a Remote Case Type. Displays, in read-only format, the default properties that can be used in FCM interface gadgets. To employ them them in data transforms, use the remote case type's Data Mapping from Remote Gadgets array on the Remote Case Configuration tab.

To facilitate data mapping, include the Work-.pxDataFields section in your custom harness. This section is already included in all standard harnesses.

Property Name Click to add a property to the array. Select a Property Name key part.
Description Read-only display of the property's Description value.
Definitions action section, cover, instantiate, federated case management
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