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This tab appears only on remote Case Type rule forms within a Federated Case Management (FCM) network.

Do not confuse the abstract remote case type on the control system with the concrete case type on the remote system.



Remote System SmartPrompt Select the Remote System data instance that references the Gateway URL, remote system name and URL, application, and remote system operator credentials. See About Remote System data instances.

By way of FCM interface gadgets, users on the control system create, work on, and view cases that are processed within the remote system.

Retrieve Information Click to display the referenced application's name, description, and count of case types that are available to the control system. A case type is available if the Publish as a Remote Case Type checkbox is selected on rule form's Advanced tab. Also retrieves remote metadata and populates all autocomplete fields on this tab; for example, Starting Process and published remote case type properties.

Class Name Select the Class Name key part of a n published case type in the remote application.
Supported Actions
Create New Work Select to allow control system users to create cases on the remote system. The default gadget section @baseclass-. pxFCMCreateNewWork can be included in standard harnesses, or in any section or flow action. The gadget initiates the starter process and creates the case when the user submits the action. You can use the Map values to initialize properties for instantiation array to map the pzInsKey value to a property stored on the remote system.

Cases created using the New menu on the Case Manager or Case Worker portals renders user forms in the Work-.NewRemote harness, which includes pxFCMCreateNewWork.

Open Gadget — Click this link to open the gadget. You can include this section in your custom harness.

Starting Process Select a starting process configured in the case type located on the remote system. This process is referenced when displaying the gadget and when creating new work from the portals.
Show in New Work Menu Select so that users can create remote cases from the New menu on the control system's Case Manager and Case Worker portals.
Map values to initialize properties for instantiation Click to map and transform a property from the control system as a default property on the remote case when it is created. Enter values in the array.
  1. SmartPrompt Target Property (on remote case) — Select the Property Name key part of a property listed on List properties to initialize for instantiation array on the remote system's Case Type rule form Advanced tab.
  2. Source Property — Select a property from the control system used as the mapping source.
  3. Click to add target and source properties.
Open Work Select to allow control system users to open and work on existing remote system cases. The default gadget section @baseclass-. pxFCMOpenWork can be included in standard harnesses, or in any section or flow action. The gadget uses the case's pzInsKey value, as defined in the Work Instance Key field, to select the instance.

Open Gadget— Click this link to open the gadget. You can include this section in your custom harness.

Work Instance Key SmartPromptSelect a single value property that holds the value of pzInsKey, or enter its literal value.
Harness SmartPrompt Optional. Select a harness that displays the case. If not provided, the case opens in the Review harness.
Data Mapping from Source Gadgets Click to map and transform a property from the remote system for use in work forms presented to control system users.
  1. SmartPrompt Target Property — Select the Property Name key part of a property on the control system that is the mapping target.
  2. Source Property (from remote case) — Select a property included on the List properties to expose for UI interactions array on the remote system's Case Type rule form Advanced tab. By default, values such as pyID and pzInsKey are always exposed.
  3. Click to add target and source properties.

About FCM New and Open gadget extension points

FCM uses the @baseclass–.pzMapGadgetData  activity to map data, and is invoked each time the pxFCMCreateNewWork or pxFCMOpenWork gadgets are reloaded. You can use the extension point pyMapRemoteDataExtension to enable users to perform actions after the gadgets have loaded.


About the FCM remote harness gadget

The @baseclass-.pxFCMShowHarness gadget allows control system users to display a harness residing on the remote system. You can include this gadget section in standard harnesses, or in any section.

To pass parameters to the remote harness, set them in the data transform @baseclass-.pyFCMShowHarnessParams copied to the class where pxFCMShowHarness gadget is referenced. Any property sets in this transform are ignored; only parameter values are passed.


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