This tab displays the CSS files that are applied to portal workspaces, reports, and rule forms.
The fields that display are dependent upon whether the skin is auto-generated or not. Auto-generated skins are recommended.
This tab displays the CSS files applied to portal workspaces, reports, and rule forms. Optionally, you can add additional style sheets to this skin.
If you create a new skin, only the Rule and Work fields appear.
Desktop |
If you upgraded an existing skin, displays the name of the |
Report |
If you upgraded an existing skin, displays the name of the |
Work |
Displays the name of the If you are creating a new skin, automatic CSS file generation is disabled. To enable automatic CSS file generation, click the Enable automatic generation link. |
Rule |
Displays the name of the
Additional Style Sheets
As a best practice, avoid adding custom style sheets. If you are using a custom style sheet:
Styles in the Skin rule use auto-generated CSS for ease of maintenance and upgrade.
If you choose to add a custom style sheet to the skin:
The order in which you enter style sheets is significant; the bottom style sheet is applied last.
To delete a style sheet from a skin, select the style sheet that you want to delete and click .
For non auto-generated skins, you must provide a .css text file for each style sheet indicated.
Work |
Specify the name of the |
Report |
Specify the name of the |
Rule |
Specify the name of the