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HCLTech ADvantage Pega - ROAR

Supercharged operational experience with deep infusion of Pega foundation and data insights

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The HCLTech ADvantageTM Pega - ROAR (Real-time Operation and Analytics Reporting) framework provides an ELK-based real-time view for transactional volumes that are summarized by service, operation, and partner, etc. Monitoring in production is an important aspect. We can proactively check for various exceptions, failures, and alerts and avoid any major impact by taking the corrective action instantly. This can be achieved by either continuous monitoring by a human or by automating it to trigger alerts when something goes wrong and require some SME's intervention. The tool is developed by combining Elastic Search, Logstash and Kibana (ELK) complemented by D3 charts to provide pictorial representation of live data in the dashboard while addressing both manual and automated monitoring. The dashboard provides various charts such as error trends in the past few hours, Pega alerts and drill down reports, API performance, connectivity issue trends from other systems, etc. It also provides an end-to-end visibility of a transaction coupled with alerts/triggers. It advocates the preemptive & proactive ways of monitoring over the reactive techniques.

Solution Benefits:

  • Reduces time in root cause analysis
  • Reduced system downtime or improvement in availability
  • Automated alerts to avoid human effort in monitoring 24x7. Reduces human effort
  • Elastic Search is scalable just by adding the additional hard disk. No other cost involved in extending the storage.

Business Benefits:

  • Real-time operational reporting and analytics help customers in their analysis of the data ingestion and reports
  • No restriction on the amount of transactional data ingestion pipeline that can be stored, searched, and analyzed. Both storage and processing can be horizontally scaled through addition of hardware.
  • Modern JavaScript-based components that provide intuitive visualization
  • Responsive design that works well on all form factors
  • Customized user management plugin from HCL

Key Features

  • Configurable alerts, thresholds and email IDs for notification
  • Readily available reports and charts for any Pega applications
  • Exhaustive report of alerts, error trends, drill down reports, etc.
  • Simple and easy-to-follow charts and illustrations
  • Customizable reports specific to client
  • Interactive D3 charts which enable easier drilldown of log data


=HCL Technologies Ltd

Partner Name

HCL Tech


Offering Type

Packaged Service Offering
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